Party City Girl: Thank you for calling Party City, my name is Duuuuhhhh*, how may I help you?
Me: What is your policy for returns without receipts?
PCG: Um... I don't know... our return policy is on the back of the receipt.
Me: ... I don't have my receipt. My (overzealous) husband burned it. Do you give store credit?
PCG: Um... I don't know?... Hang on. (A minute later, after much shuffling and rattling) Ummmm... (obviously reading something) "A customer may exchange an item without a receipt at the manager's... des-crip-tion?"
Me: Discretion? So no store credit?
PCG: I don't know what that is.
Me: Okay, thank you for your... help.
I went in later and exchanged the party decorations I didn't use for stuff for my sister's baby shower. Duuuuhhhh was still there (physically, at least), and the manager had the personality of a saltine. I KNEW I should've stuck with the local, yet smaller and more friendly place in Pearl.
*Name changed to protect the lobotomized.
8 months ago
Ah, customer service.
Would you like fries with that?
Does Duuuuhhhhh moonlight as a cashier at our branch here on weekends? I think I ran into her while trying to buy a pinata and some balloons for Landon's party last week. Got a pinata (after much explaining and prodding on my part), left without the balloons and sent my sis out later for them--Sheesh!
That's why I buy my party supplies online or at Hudson's. I got tired of dealing with Party City.
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