Figuring out who to invite to Ace's birthday party is shockingly more complicated than I ever thought it could be. Last year I had just started to climb out of the post-preemie year of isolation, so it was pretty darn simple. This year Ace has WAY more friends.
Do I invite A? If I invite A, I'll definitely need to invite B, even though I'm not that close to B but B will be hurt if I invite A and not B. Do I invite C, even though he doesn't really care much about my kid, but all of our other friends are coming? Do I invite D, even though HE'S A CRAZY PERSON but Drew likes him and his wife is cool? If I invite E and F from my MOMS Club, does that mean I should invite the rest of the MOMS Club? Do I only give invitations to people who've invited me to their kids' birthday parties? Would that mean they'd feel obligated to send me invitations from now on? That's not what I'm going for, I swear.
My head's gonna explode when he starts going to school. We'll be at Chick-Fil-A on X day at X time, and if you wanna come, come. I'll buy you a chicken finger. Share it with your friend.
Suffice it to say, if I don't invite you and you think you should've been invited, it's not because I don't like you, but because I TOTALLY DON'T UNDERSTAND THE POLITICS OF A TWO-YEAR-OLD'S BIRTHDAY PARTY.
7 months ago
I hear you. So far, I'm getting by with the twins' parties but my daughter's are another story. I'm at the point I have to invite some and not others, simply because she has way too many friends.
That's the worst. Someone started a thread on the moms site forums about this very thing. The kid down the street didn't invite her son to the party and now she's pissed at the other kid's mom. And who knows? It could be that they could only invite X amount of people, and it's nothing personal.
I think on my daughter's birthday, I'm going to show up at her school with a cake and some party favors so all the kids can participate, and she'll be queen for the day. And nobody's feelings get hurt. Then we'll take her somewhere cool, like Geyser Falls in Philadelphia.
Geez that was long. Sorry.
Good luck in the party planning ... and happy birthday Ace!!
Gosh--I'm having similar party angst. I have two friends who are divorced and one isn't real happy with the other. I think I'm going to assign them shifts 'cause I dont want to be at the center of divorce land USA. Know what I mean?
This is my third try--I am so deficient at these letter things.
My sister only invited family and the kids on her street.
She took cupcakes to school for the school kids. And said forget it to anyone else. heh. That was for his 2nd and 3rd birthdays.
Ah! A mom here just said her kids get to invite on kid for each year of their age plus one. That's it. That may help later on. heh.
on = one
sorry. the kidless one is posting too much.... ack
my MIL told me that she read an article addressing toddler bdays. it said to only invite the number of children for the age of your child + one. i know it sounds small, but it might be a start...
i only invited 4 children to the diva's last b-day...MUCH more manageable than the last party...
i hope it all works out for you. :D
Politics - LOL!!!!
Well, being a closet event planner wannabe... I tend to go overboard. The local paper actually did a story on Superkid's 6th birthday party. ROFL!
But I do that cause that's a hobby of mine. Once he got old enough to be involved I allowed him to pick the themes, games, who he wanted to invite.
But when he was Ace's age, it was all about family, good friends, and feeding my hobby. LOL!
It IS so much easier when they are that age. I don't know if that makes you feel better or worse. =)
Are most of them from the same area - church, therapy, swim class, etc.? If so, have it there; if you're not in that group, too bad, you're out of the loop. Then have a family one where you don't have to worry about who to invite.
1st and 2nd birthday parties are a total waste of time and have nothing to do with the kid at all. We're not even having a 2nd birthday party for Ignatius. It's ridiculous to waste time and energy worrying about stuff like this. Until he understands what's going on, don't bother - just have your parents over for cake.
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