My baby girl Ashley (goddaughter #3) turns 6 years old tomorrow. I have a hard time believing it - I've literally known her since the second she exited her mother's womb. I saw her being born - watched the whole thing. (And I still wanted children afterwards!)
I babysat her and her sisters for a week when she was about 4 months old. She woke up at one point at about 6 am and I was sooooo not ready to get up yet, so I gave her a bottle and laid on the couch with her, stroking her cheek, until she fell back asleep. I do that with Ace now, and it chills him out too.
The last time Drew and I were out there together, Ashley started shoving on Drew's belly and said "your belly is biiiiiig! Are you having a baby?" She's the charming one. Really.
Y'all just don't know how much my girls mean to me. It kills me that I haven't seen them in so long, but I really don't think Ace could handle it. I think it'd be really, really stressful for him, which would in turn be stressful for me, which would make me want to drink, which would make the rest of the vacation a blur. I miss my friends so much too - Billy and Terri have been such positive support for me since I moved to California.
Anyway, before I start really whining...
7 months ago
When did you move to California?
Hey Doghouse... I was going to ask the same thing :)
Me too--Inside joke? Or did I just miss something huge?
Maybe we've found the real reason she's not posting; she doesn't have time for us, only her cool Cali friends ...
Yeah, I guess it's hard dealing with Britney and Dr. Phil and everything--Maybe it's part of her Lenten sacrifice.
Well, I reckon I worded that wrong.
I moved to California in 2000. Moved to Mississippi in 2004. Sorry.
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