1. March for Babies
Remember last year's WalkAmerica, the fundraising walk for the March of Dimes? Well, they've changed the name of the walk, and now we're marching for babies. Just throwing a question out there - does anyone want to be on Team Ace and do the walk with me this year? My mom came along last year and I suspect I'll recruit her again, as well as Drew. We'll push Ace in his stroller. You'll be responsible for your own fundraising, obviously, but if you wanna do a leisurely walk around Lakeshore Park at the Reservoir on May 10th for a REALLYREALLYREALLY good cause (one that is obviously very personal to me), let me know.
Oh, and if you don't want to walk with me, start saving your money. I'm gonna hit you up to take a break from donating to Team CanCan and start donating to Team Ace here in a few months.
2. MRBA only
You know who you are. Who's doing the Run from the Sun? I'm considering doing a hat on Zazzle for us...
3. Donate to Rachel (Team CanCan)
By the way, go donate to Rachel. She's busting her butt training for this marathon. When you pull out your credit card, visualize yourself stabbing cancer right in the jugular.
7 months ago
I'm planning to do Run from the Sun. More like walk from the sun, as I can't run, but still...
Ditto to what Susan said.
team can-can...
that is cute!
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