So in a totally uncharacteristic move, I booked myself some "me time" on the coast. I've always found the concept of me time ridiculous - why be alone when I'd rather be hanging out with Drew or my friends? - but after much urging and finding a pretty sick deal on a gulf view room with a balcony, I just went for it. I really, really wanna back out or at least take Drew with me and dump Ace on the parents, but it's looking like I'll be alone for a whole weekend in Biloxi.
I haven't been to the area in ten years, and I'm not totally certain what I want to do. Can y'all give me ideas? I love love old churches and cemeteries, and I'll be bringing my sexy new camera with me. Please no restaurants, unless what you're going to suggest has healthy suggestions. I was considering Ship Island but the ferry is too expensive and I'm not much for hanging out on crowded beaches anyway.
I'm actually gonna take Ace and Drew down to Slidell and drop them off at The Barbara's then take Highway 90 from there to Biloxi. Anything interesting along the way I should stop to see?
Thanks for any help. I might just veg out on my balcony all weekend...
7 months ago
wow that sounds pretty damn cool to me! not familiar with Biloxi, just the casinas ;p come to think of it i think i went to like the Jefferson Davis house or something once. i remember a bunch of spanish moss hanging in really old trees. does that help??
Pass Christian is beautiful. The last time I was down was after katrina and the shops were opening back up.
Waveland use to have a cool little street market on Saturday mornings but I don't remember the name or the street. Dang.
The outlet mall was my savior! LOL!
Just drive. Ocean Springs has some neat stores too. Go look at antiques or something.
It's been a while for me, too.
Balcony vegging may be what you need.
Walter Anderson museum in Ocean Springs is wonderful.
Call the city halls / visitor bureaus there for info, too.
jeff davis house is gone. wiped out by katrina.
I haven't been to he MS coast since college. We've talked about driving back from Ft. Morgan that way just to enjoy the view. I went to school at USM, so we'd go down to Biloxi on random Saturdays and fly kites on the beach. That was a blast. Dang, now I want to go buy a kite for our trip next week! Ship Island is awesome, but only if you want to spend the entire day doing nothing but sitting on a nicer beach. There is nothing else there but the old fort, if that didn't get destroyed by Katrina when most of the island was under water. I love the ferry ride, but I just love boats!
I agree about calling the visitors bureaus. We always stop by the one in Gulf Shores, even though we've been there a dozen times. They always have brochures for weird things you'd never find on your own! I imagine the drive over will be the best part. The small towns and beaches along the way haven't been quite a ruined by condos and casinos! I suggest a book and a beach chair. Relaxation.
That sounds like a wonderful idea!
I was going to suggest the Walter Anderson Museum, but I see Watercolor already has. And there used to be a nice aquarium (the ones the dolphins escaped from during Katrina) but I don't know what it's like anymore. It's been years since I've been down there.
I love the Walter Anderson museum in Ocean Springs too. I think vegging on a balcony sounds pretty special right now though!
Jeff Davis house was not destroyed by Katrina. They had just finished restorations on it and were about to re-open to the public when Hubby and I visited the coast last June. It's very pretty.
You should at least go IN the Hard Rock Casino and look at all the neat stuff they have on the walls.
For other interesting things to do, well, Hubby drug me around to all of the Walgreens within a 30 mile radius........just sayin'....if you're bored....
Bring some books and just enjoy yourself.
For a photo op idea, check out the carved birds and animals in the wrecked trees along the Gulf. They've gotten a lot of attention.
Oh, and Jeff Davis' house is back open.
I was going to suggest Ocean Springs also. Have a great time!
I would have no flipping idea what to do with myself.
but I hope you have a very relaxing and rejuvenating time. It has to beat spending the weekend with The Barbara.
Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!
I say, take a book, a journal and some healthy snacks and do whatever you feel like doing...even if it's sitting on the balcony (or in the bed) all weekend.
I'm totally jeal!
Sorry I have never been and have no suggestions but enjoy yourself!
Feh. who needs a visitors bureau when you have friends like me?
There is a fairly respectable sushi place on pass road called "yuki", and I believe that the Mississippi Crawfish festival is going on all this weekend at the Gulf coast Coliseum. Not to mention that Beau Rivage has Jerry Lewis on Friday, and Hall and Oats on Saturday, and Imperial palace has Bobby Brown on saturday as well.
I know that you only want healthy restaurant suggestions, but I would be remiss as your friend if I didn't mention a barbecue joint called "the shed" in ocean springs. It is the best barbecue I have ever had, (no joke) including Drew's brisket and the place we went to in kentucky. They also have several live blues bands there on Saturday night. It's just a friggin awsome place.
Photo wise, there's the biloxi lighthouse, the carved trees that local artists made with katrina trees along the coast, and of course the beach itself...
Have fun, toots. call me if you need any more suggestions.
Book a spa treatment at one of the casino spas. Even if it's just a pedi, you'll feel all pampered!
yeah...get a spa day they have the menus and prices on the websites. I was googling them the other day....ahhhh....I wanna run away!
Hey I did this once, and it was FABULOUS. I took a big fat book, a swimsuit for the beach, and stopped at the fruit stand in Loxley, Ala. and stocked up on cheese, fresh fruits and some boiled peanuts. Picked up some green tea and other whatnots on the way, and just vegged in the hotel for the weekend. Laid out in the sunshine drinking my cold green tea and reading. Took a dunk in the pool. Drank some wine. And SLEPT. Slept like a baby in that big hotel room by myself. Heaven.
Go. Enjoy yourself. Just get away for a couple days and have some "me" time. It's good for the soul.
I've been dying to see the carved trees. Hubby cut tons of those up for the Corp of Engineers when were down there after Katrina. Awesome what they did!!!
Take your tank top, shorts, and FLIPFLOPS and chill on the beach in the sun with sunshades, sweet tea and a book. I could SOOOO do that right now :)
oh wow. Glad to hear about the Jeff Davis house.
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