I can hardly keep my eyes open today, so let's play a game.
1. Pick out some lyrics. Let's say, from your favorite song.
2. Go to Yahoo's translation service.
3. Enter those lyrics in their "translate" field.
4. Translate from English to a different language.
5. Copy the translated lyrics into the "translate" field.
6. Translate from your selected language back to English.
7. Post those re-Englished lyrics to my comments.
8. Guess the song(s) posted in the comment(s) above yours. Guess it first and you get 1 point.
For example, I translated some very popular lyrics to Italian and back to English and got this:
you take the good ones
you take the Evil that
you take both to them
and here you have
the life facts
the life facts
What's that song?
Whoever gets the most songs by, say, 9pm central time tonight gets a $10 gift card to Blockbuster. (You'll have to give me your address, so make sure you trust me if you're gonna play.) I'll probably get back on this afternoon and throw some in there so y'all don't get all cheaty.
And don't be a bummer and post lyrics from some obscure emo band that nobody knows.
7 months ago
The Facts of Life theme song! I love Babelfish. It's the best way to speak another language...like a two-year-old.
Haven't had my coffee yet, but I'm not clear on the game. You'll post more songs to decipher? Bring it on.
Oooh, that is interesting. I had guessed Facts of Life too before seeing Melia. This is an easy one but I love how it translated:
As for me who as for me as for Henry 8th me who am Henry which is I depending upon 8th, is I and am as for her who gets married to the being placed next of the widow a certain thing which has gotten married 7 times ago and Henry where is each one (Henry) there is no [uiri] in her as for me who or sum (sum it is not) as for me her 8th old person, as for 2nd poem 1st in the same way me who is Henry 8th I who am Henry which is I as for Henry 8th me who am Henry which is I depending upon 8th, is I and am as for her who gets married to the being placed next of the widow 7 times agoA certain thing which has gotten married and as for each one Henry which is (Henry) there is no [uiri] in her as for me who or sum (sum it is not) as for me her 8th old person, as for me who is Henry 8th I who am Henry which is I as for Henry 8th me who am Henry which is I depending upon 8th, is I and am as for her who gets married to the being placed next of the widow a certain thing which has gotten married 7 times ago and Henry where is each one (Henry) there is no [uiri] in her or sum (sum there is no I) her 8th old person, Henry which is Henry which is IAs for 8th me a certain Henry Henry (Henry) Henry (Henry) as for Henry 8th me, there is a certain Henry 8th I who is I
"I'm Henry the 8th" - Herman's Hermits
Sometimes I feel I've obtains runs I've obtains is far away from you to drive into heart's me to like us sharing as if goes to there is no place and Pain; I've lost my my light to throw, and rotated I can' t sleep in evening
this was English-Spanish then Spanish-English
Uh oh, underflow, population, common food, but it' ll does.
Except, service same you.
The world responds to its own needs, listens to its dummy of the landslide of the heart with the ecstasy and venerated salary and the right - correct.
VitriĆ³lico, patriotic you, blow, fight, shining light, feeling psyched enough
I feel stupid.
Comment #4: Tainted Love
Comment #5: End of the World as We Know it (and I feel fine)
Here's mine:
It listens to all above if you want to take an occasion. it obtains in the floor and hardly it makes the dance of the new cabritos. ' does not worry; it fights nothing because it will not last. we are going to put in a critical moment with a song coward to him, because you were able to be resistant Hangin, hangin resistant, hangin resistant. we are rough.
I saw that and though of the Facts of Life theme song too! Funny!!
oh, oh, i know i know!
Melinda's is Hanin' Tough
I got the facts of life one but I feel dumb too. I don't think I care for babelfish. :)
Just so you know, I would have gotten them all except "hanging tough"... what was Mel thinkin?
My favorite song, into italian and then back:
You could feel I make that them to work with a dangerous crowd ain' t too much enough we ain' t too much fair we could laugh too much high a tip aw but that never hurt nobody.
Thus next on the Virginiums shows a sign
Transmits on marks them
I'll shooting of you it stretch it to line you' of the stained-glass; king to hide behind does not leave Darlin' never in sunlight;
only the bonds die young
woah say ya
only the bonds die young
Somebody get Tony Bennett on the phone... he's gotta cover this one.
OMG this is fun!
My second favorite song, to italian and back again:
The main roads have jammed with the heroes routes on a taken device of of force of last Everybodys opportunity outside on the operation this evening but on theres the no left place in order to hide
with the sink of Wendy in tension with the sadness sick
Love you with all the madness in my spirit
Some day girl who I do not know when they were going to obtain to that place
Where really want to go and to gush walk in sunlight
But until then presses the foot as we the child were born to work
Thanks for a great game, toots!
Oh my God Becky, watched in its end Is so great She seems one of those fiancees of the individuals of rap Who only understands to those individuals of rap They talk with her because it seems one prostitute total that I mean its end Is just so great I cannot think that is clears so Is hardly towards outside I mean there, he I am heavy Watches, she is just so black
OMG! I wish I'd known about this little idea months ago. I could've used it in my explanation of why online translation programs are the suck.
Okay, Rob's first: "Only the good die young"?
Rob's second: "Highway to the Danger Zone"
(I never know the proper titles to song, so give me points if I'm close.)
Fwapah's: "Baby Got Back"
mine is so easy:
All individual ladies, all individual ladies all individual ladies, all individual ladies all individual ladies, all individual ladies all individual ladies putting you your hands the association ran up now we straight above a I' m, my own small thing does decided to dive in and now you would like to cause a causing you another brother considered me to I' m above on it, UP it on me Don' t pay it each possible attention Schrien straight my tears, for three good years Ya can' t is at me furiously a cause, if you liked it then you, should a ring on it have set, if you liked it then you shoulda, set a ring on it for Don' t is furious, as soon as you see that it wishes it if you it then you liked, set shoulda a ring on it to Oh, oh, oh if you it then might, should you a ring on it have set, if you it then, which you liked, set, shoulda a ring on it for Don' t is furious, as soon as you see that it wishes it if you it then you liked, set shoulda a ring on it I received to gloss on my lips, a man on my hips me receive more firmly in my Dereon jeans to function above, beverage in my bowl I can me less interest, which you do not think I need permission, did I mention Don' t pay it each possible attention a cause had you their revolution and now you, those go learning believe like which them really to miss around me a cause, if you liked it then you, should a ring on it have set, if you liked it then you shoulda, set a ring on it Don' t is furious, as soon as you see that it wishes it if you it then you liked, set shoulda a ring on it to Oh, oh, oh
Jessaca's - Single ladies Put a ring on it.
Ok, here's mine - also easy
She' s obtained smile that it seems to me it resembles me the memories of childhood where all was as fresh as bright blue sky now and after this when I I will see its side it assumes me away to that special place and if I' the view d too of [dlinniy] Of i' d breach probably downward and cry is the sweet child of o' mine is the sweet love of my She' s obtained the eyes of the bluest skies if they they thought rain I I hate to look in those eyes I see the ounce of pain its hair they resemble me warm safe place where as the child Of i' hides d I you will pray for the thunder I rain to quietly pass me the by sweet child of o' mine the sweet love of my where we go where we we go now where we we go the sweet child of o' the mine
Coop: Sweet Child O'Mine
I' the VE be really tryin, Tryin child in order to hold behind this sensibility in order as well as time and if you think, as I think the child Ignited, oh ignites, Let' it obtains to the s over Leaves in order to obtain it over Let' it obtains it to the s over Let' it obtains it to the s over We' with reference to all sensitive people With thus much love to give, understand it the sugar Since have obtained of being Leave in order to say, I love you There' twisted of the nothin of s with me Lovin you and givin same you to me can never not be wrong If l' love is to align Don' t to know wonderful cake and, the life can be I' askin of m. you child, to obtain it to me over with Aint that he goes to worry itself, aint of that he goes to push Thus ignited, ignited, ignited, come on the child Arrests the beatin around the bush…. Let' it obtains it to the s over Let' it obtains it to the s over Let' it obtains it to the s over Let' it obtains it to the s over
I tried to be tricky and go from English to Chinese to Latvian to Greek to Vietnamese to Hindi back to English, but the words seem to stay the same:
Silent night, holy night, all, all "round" Bright bongui Virgin and child, holy child, too. Tender and mild Sleep in peace in heaven. The sky really sleeping peacefully.
Anybody know what "bongui" means?
The initial was obviously the Fact's of life theme
@Fwapah- Sir Mix alot's Baby got back
@Rob #1- Only the good die young- Billy Joel :)
@ Jessaca- Single ladies; beyonce
@Waterfall - Obviously the christmas classic silent night :)
Here's mine
No but same we can free our minds. It does not have fear for nuclear energy, the cause no of they can arrest the time. How much time to kill our prophets, while we are raised in feet from part and we observe? ooh! Some say relative a part hardly to it: Weve has obtained to complete de book. Aid you will not sing These songs of freedom?
Bob Marley "Redemption Song"
I lead the wilderness and how many which I made it from first until end anyway made it I which am lossed you and do not know and the stamp to go out i seek when until, ID where they are nine hits which are imperfect i am having, to be sad, impression in compliance with you but is blue i do, impression in compliance with you in me and does to shine in me and singing together which is new: The virgin together the savage land in period of the beginning your heart beat east (with your pulsation joined in the side of the virgin together thing and after first,) time my sweetheart whole, the boy in order period going, fear it whole which is fading quickly respects saving you only cause love will can be continued your and to be like this Youre fines and youre to fall which talks me who you make me who mine, well makes comes your love thawed at the outside to be good, your love thawed at the outside with the cold what which is threatened
Brig-Madonna-Like A Virgin (?)
When I find itself in periods of problem, the mother Mary comes in with. Speaking the words of prudence, you leave him to be. And in my ornery dark, it stands right front from with. Speaking the words of prudence, you leave him to be.
Clucky- Yes!
Let it Be
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