Friday, March 20, 2009

Why I love my cousin...

Cousin Jonathan is the one who revolutionized my kitchen by suggesting I take the shelf out of my microwave. He's definitely one of my smartest cousins.

Now on his website:
Congress has spent about $200M (and it's not over yet) in man-hours grandstanding about $165M in perfectly legal bonuses, that they allowed for in the first place, while they pass hundred billion dollar pieces of legislation without hesitation (that wasn't supposed to rhyme).
For reals, people. How many times has our government completely and utterly wasted WAY more than the money that AIG has wasted?

I've had a pretty rough couple of days, and I will be back to explain, for no other reason than to get everything off my chest and ask y'all for your suggestions and help. Just need to sort out my thoughts first.


Rhonda said...

the govt is only going to get bigger now. It's scary the waste that goes on. forget any SS for Ace or my kids, it's already spent.

Oh and the big "bailout" that was supposed to be our Savior...the banks are hanging on to all that money and still pulling funding for so many things. That's why my husband lost his job a couple weeks ago. The bank pulled funding on all the jobs so they had nothing for him to do. thanks Obama and the rest of the politicians that thought it'd be a good idea to double our deficit and still be no good to the PEoPLE.

Oh and while my husband is searching for 2-3 jobs that will still only equal half of our previous was nice to see him on Jay Leno yuckin' it up and making negative comments about the special olympics. fabulous.

Sandi said...

Glad you're back. Hope everything is OK.

Crawdaddy79 said...

Woowoo! Someone reads my website!

Unknown said...

yo cuz,
you better name your OTHER smart cousins...