Sunday, November 23, 2008

thank you Jesus

Drew: "Ace, are you ready to say your prayers and go night-night?"
Ace: "Want thank you Jesus?"
Drew: "Okay, sit down with Mama. Dear God, thank you for this day and keeping us safe and healthy. Please watch over Ace and Mama and"
Ace: "And Dada."
Drew: "And Granny and"
Ace: "And Dada."
Drew: "And Paw-paw and"
Drew: "And Dada"
Ace: "And Juliana" (one of the girls in his class)
Drew: "And Juliana."

(Ace now names all the girls in his class, leaving out the boy.)

Drew: "And please keep us safe through the night and help Ace and Mama to feel better in the morning."
Ace: "And Miss Hedder and Miss Reea amen." (Miss Heather and Miss Maria, his teachers.)

I love my child.


HEATHER said...

How sweet!
He wants to make sure that Daddy is blessed! LOL!
So precious is that Ace!

Dr. Wifey said...

that is soooo sweet!

From the Doghouse said...

And, even in his prayers, he's all about the ladies!