I read this on a friend's private blog.
If you're one of the people voting for McCain or Obama, say something genuinely nice about the candidate you're NOT voting for. No buts, no qualifications, something actually nice.
This was HARD for me - everything I wanted to say had a "but" at the end of it. So I wanna hear what y'all can come up with.
7 months ago
Ok, let me try to be nice here. If this election was between Hillary Clinton and John McCain AND John McCain hadn't picked Sarah Palin as VP, I would have voted for him. For realz. So I actually considered voting for him. That is as nice as I can get.
Ummm....Obama would support another stimulus rebate check. The money would be helpful. Does that count?
Sorry! Sue was me. I didn't realize my sister was signed in.
Obama is a great orator
John McCain seems to have a good sense of humor.
Even considering his age and physical limitations, John McCain has led an exhaustive campaign for the White House. I can't imagine how tiring it is, day after day, jet setting from place to place, speech after speech after speech like that. And he is very aggressive in going after what he wants.
Obama is an attractive guy and is a talented speaker...da man is good with words fo' sho'.
Obama certainly can dole out the smooth talkin'.
And he dresses nicely, too.
(Hopefully, that doesn't come across as "he's clean-cut and well-spoken," eh?)
Oh! And it is obvious that he and his wife are nuts about each other. Seriously.
That's as good as I can be on it. ;)
Are you playing, too?
McCain has a good sense of humor and has served his country honorably.
McCain looks like he would be a fun grandfather
Obama is a snappy dresser.
Barack Obama is very intelligent.
McCain seems to be very dedicated to hard work in his old age!!
He really seems focused on doing the job to the best of his ability. People may not agree with some of his policies/philosophies, but he's standing firm in his beliefs.
Ummm, McCain has managed to live a really long time, so that's something!
And, Sarah Palin has big hair, which you know I love!
i respect mccain for supporting our country the way he did.
obama rocks!
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