Monday, October 06, 2008


No heartbeat on the ultrasound this morning. No blood flow in the baby. It's over.


Jen said...

oh Stacey...I am terribly sorry. My heart breaks for you. Prayers will be sent up right now. Here if you need to talk. (((((love)))))

black betty said...

oh sh*t....i'm so sorry. you're in my prayers. i'm so sorry...

mayberry said...

Oh Stacey. I have no words, just that I am so, so sorry.

Sandi said...

Oh my God Stacey, girl, my heart is breaking for you.

dhcoop said...

Oh, I'm so sorry dear one! You are in my heart and prayers.

Forcedtoretirelegaleagle said...

I am so sorry, Stacey! You will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Y U Mad said...

Stacey I am so unbelievably sorry for you and your family.

Angela said...

I ran across your blog a while ago via Marshall Ramsey's blog and I check in from time to time because that Ace is just so darn cute. Just wanted you to know you and your husband are in my prayers, even though we don't know each other. One year ago today, I was in your exact situation, and even though I am now 36 weeks along with a healthy baby girl, my heart still aches for the one I lost, especially today. I know there are no words anyone can say to make you feel better at this time, but knowing that prayers were offered up for me was comforting, so I hope you are comforted in knowing that as well.

Christine the Soccer Mom said...

Stacey, I'm so sorry, honey. Your family is still in my prayers. ((hugs))

HEATHER said...

Oh dear! I am so sorry. I have been praying for you ever since you told us about the baby. This is awful.

Erin Steele said...

We are all thinking about you! We are so sorry for your loss! Big hugs..damn girl...we all were thinking this was your time! Hug Ace a bunch..We are so sorry!!

clstigger said...

Prayers for you and your family.

grammargirl said...

I'm so sorry, Stacey. I hope you gain some small sense of comfort in the thoughts and prayers of those you know, and those you don't. Prayers for you and yours.

Rhonda said...

I'm real sorry Stacey. Thinking of you...

watercolordaisy said...

oh hun. I am so sorry. prayers and hugs.

msudeere said...

Stacey I am so sorry ,,, Prayers out for you and your family

Sharon said...

I am so very sorry. I can't believe this.
I am so so sorry. For you and your family.
Mega hugs and prayers.
If there is ANYTHING I can do for you, just say the word.

CluckyRN said...

Love you. You have been on my heart all weekend. I am so very sorry.

dwb810 said...

Stacey, I am so sorry for you and your family. My prayers are with you.

Lori said...

I'm really sorry Stacey. Sending you a big cyberhug.

Johnny Beaver said...

I'm so sorry Stacey. You are definitely in my prayers.

Melinda said...

I'm so sorry, Babe. Please make Drew give you a big hug from me.

Regan said...

I am so sorry. You and Drew are in our thoughts.

Dr. Wifey said...

so, so sorry. thoughts and prayers for you, drew, and little ace (((hug)))

Jo said...

(((((Stacey))))) I am so SO sorry. My heart is breaking for you.

Big BIG hugs!!! To you AND to Drew!

Waterfall said...

I am so sorry, Cuz. Grieving for you and Drew. :-(

Katy said...

My heart is breaking for you. And I'm sorry those damn Saints could get their Sh!t together.

Crawdaddy79 said...


I'm very sorry to hear this cousin. Wish I'd read your blog sooner.

I love you and wish you the best.