I don't know how I forgot this part of the Rock Band party.
A conversation between Drew, as Sharon, and Rob and Cheri's 6-year-old son.
Drew (as Sharon): CJ, do you know who I am?
CJ: Ummmmm, nope?
Drew: You stayed with us for a little while last month. Remember Ace?
CJ: Oh, you're Ace's mom!
I'll pay for his therapy, y'all.
7 months ago
BWHAHAHAHA!!! You are a hoot!!
That is bad! Drew makes a healthy Sharon ;) hehe
Yall looked hilarious.
LOL kid's are great like that!
oh, that's hilarious! hahahaa!
LOL!!! that's awesome!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It took me twice to get this, but when I did, I cracked up--I still think you need to write a book!
Aaaaaaaahahahahahahahhaa... oh wait, let me pick myself up off the floor from laughing so hard so I can type. That's too funny!
i've got a cute pic of ace on my blog. ;)
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