I got more blood tests this morning, which the nurse was awesome enough to put a rush on so I could get the results back before they close the office at 1.
The pregnancy hormone level in my blood is 10. This probably doesn't mean much to any of you, so I hope this helps: when I was pregnant with Ace and I got a blood test right before my period was due, the level was in the 70's. With my first baby, I don't know how far along I was, but my level was in the 50's. Most pee tests don't register much below 25. 10 is absurdly low.
I have to go back in on Monday for another blood test and possibly an ultrasound. The possibilities are as follows:
1. If the hormone level is decreasing, I am miscarrying and can carry on with business as usual.
2. If the hormone level is not decreasing or is less than around 25-30, I could be having another ectopic and that would be very very bad.
3. If the hormone level is higher than that, I could possibly have a viable pregnancy, which at this point is so highly unlikely that it's not even under consideration.
So there's that. It's not good news (although I do have a confirmed pregnancy, which I'm happy about, since I'm not crazy) and it's not bad news... more like a confirmation of the bad news. Of course, I'm also on high alert for the rest of the weekend. Any sign of one-sided pain, and I'm to head to the ER immediately. Awesome.
Why, during all of this, do I have to drive by a woman puffing away on a cigarette in the front seat of her car while there's an innocent infant baby in the back seat? I almost needed money for bail, y'all. I was pretty much LIVID. I bet she wonders why her baby has breathing problems and constant ear infections. It takes a special kind of stupid... sigh...
7 months ago
I'm so sorry you're going through this, honey. What a rotten deal.
Oh man...I feel ya on the smoking in the car biz! I get SO pissed about that.... I couldn't save my baby no matter what, and you have no concern for yours. *sigh*
I will keep praying that this is NOT another EP!!
Big Hugs!
so sorry, hun :(
I am so sorry that all of this is going on.
Let me say also that I HATE when I see women with perfectly normal/perfect babies who are allowing them to chew on their nasty/funk-tastic shopping cart. I don't know why that irks me--I guess because I don't get to be that nochalant. Jealous or something. OK, that's random, but you triggered something and I wanted to get it out.
Here's hoping it's not option 2 ...
[fingers crossed]
You have been on my mind all day hun. Hugs!!
From someone who through various life circumstances probably won't ever get to have kids, I'd have bailed ya out of jail and been a character witness. :) Hugs babe!!
We are all praying for the best...rrrr...i just dealt with some people who had a baby sitting on their lap in the car while smoking and driving..i almost knocked them out but i was in a really bad part of town(fares ave.)and i was scared for my own kids lives if they retaliated! Good luck over the weekend!! Try to lay down and relax if that is in any way possible!!
I'm sorry. We will be praying for you. Keep us updated
Thinking about you. You are heavy in my thoughts hun.
you're in my prayers....
you are in my prayers tonight. we love you.
jonathan and jessie
I've started reading your blog recently and am amazed at the story of your family. I'm so sorry you're going through this. You're in my prayers!
Hi hun,
I had a feeling something was up... picking up vibes that something just wasn't right... rob told me what was up on the way back home... UG!
Look... I had infertility issues too... and it took me 4 years to have cj... and i had a miscarriage after him at 2 months... been there... so if you need an ear to chew on... i am here for ya... you are in my prayers... luv and hugs
I am thinking of you Stacey! You are such a logical and fair person! I hope things will get better!
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