Friday, August 22, 2008

Walking is underrated.

Ace rocked physical therapy today. ROCKED it.

This post is extremely video heavy, so if you have dial up... well, why do you do this to yourself?

Starting at about 6 seconds into this video, he's not holding on to Kim at all. He falls back on her a few times, but he's gaining confidence... which leads to this video:

Again at about 6 seconds in, he breaks free.

You'll thank me for cutting off the last one just as I started squealing with happiness.

This one makes me really proud because he corrects himself. He leans back a little, then leans back up and gains balance and continues along. He reaches his goal then starts looking around for his praise.

I hope y'all are crying right now, cuz I am. I never understood the phrase bursting with pride. I remember almost a year ago when I was crying because he pulled himself up on his hands and knees to crawl, and now this. It's unbelievable.

I have the most awesome child in the world.


From the Doghouse said...

Call Haley; we have a star for his newest "Let's Go Walkin'" commercial!

Oh, and that one where he leans back on the therapist; that had nothing to do with him losing his balance.

CluckyRN said...

We love you, buddy!
clucky & chicklette

Dr. Wifey said...

oh, i know you are so proud! Cheers for ACE!!!

Kayra said...

Go Ace! and go Stacey, awesome mom= awesome kid.

Jen said...

I agree with doghouse, I think Ace was just checking to make sure someone was there for his peace of mind or it was a FUN game for him! who knows but those were great videos, thanks for sharing them.

WAY TO GO ACE-MAN! :) I am so proud for you and your hubby on this new triumph!

Susan said...

Can't watch the videos until I get home, but high five for the progress!

Melissa said...

Stacey that is awesome!!!

Way to go Ace!!

I look forward to the day that Nathan can do that. It brought tears to my eyes because I truly get how enormous this is and how proud you feel right now.

Melissa (Mommy to Nathan)
CP Moms group

Jacolyn said...

Of course I'm crying!! Stacey, that is AWESOME!!!!!

AM said...

Yay!!!!! GO Ace!!! Go Mom!!!!

Nicole Bradshaw said...

Oh, Stace!! Shoot, I'm proud of the kid, and I'm not even related to him.

Welcome to the wonderful world of walking. You are about to get a LOT of exercise.

Melinda said...

Rock the hell on! Go Ace! Go Ace! Go Ace!

clstigger said...

Wow Stacey that is great! Lots of great things happening for the 2 of you!

Katy said...

I'm bursting with pride too! He looks amazing!

Rhonda said...

Stacey I don't even *know* Ace and I'M bursting with pride.

Happy day, happy day!!!

Ace, don't. stop.

watercolordaisy said...

Ace ROCKS!!!!

Rachel said...

who rocks the house?
ace rocks the house!
and when he rocks the house...
he rocks it all the way down!

watercolordaisy said...

(okay, hair color washed out now so can write more.......)

I am so proud of Ace!!!!! His smile is infectious!!!! And your laugh Stacey just thrills my heart. hugs!!!! ACE ROCKS!!!!!

Unknown said...

Congratulations Stacey and Ace!!! It proves that great parenting was involved!
cousin in law jessie

Crawdaddy79 said...

Oh man...

Yeah I got your text message but I was in North Carolina (300 miles from my 'puter) so I couldn't respond appropriately to your blog additions.

Let it be known that long story short I am celebrating a past due beer fest right now so I am typing one character every .7342 seconds to make up for... okay whatever I'm drunk.

CONGRATS ACE!!! Your Wall-E eyes are not nearly as present today as they once were and you can walk on your own. That's a LOT better than I can say for myself right now (yet somehow I try to be as meticulous as possible at typing... you have no idea how many times my backspace key has been hit).

Also great job Stacey. Your dedication to your child is second to none. :)

HEATHER said...

This is so great! YAY ACE!!!

black betty said...

alright...ya got me. i'm spewing out tears like a water fountain.

go, ace! you rock the catbox, baby.

mayberry said...

Awesome awesome and MORE awesome! I'm so happy for both of you!

angie. said...

Tears are definitely a flowing.

GO ACE!!! AWESOME JOB little man! Keep it us, cuz we are all so proud of ya! Hugs and kisses to you both!

Supermom said...

great videos!!! Ace is amazing!

Erin Steele said...

It is amazing to see him going like that! Soon enough your going to be wondering why you wanted him to walk so badly!he-he...well maybe not!! What an accomplishment for him..i hope he got a big choclate bar or something to keep up the encouragement!!

Rebecca said...

I cannot even begin to tell you how much this made my day. I came across your blog today and I just cried watching these videos. I am just hoping that I will see my son doing the same thing sooner or later. My son was born at 26w3d and he is now 16months. This blog is great. I have been laughing for almost two hours just trying to go back and read everything. I think your son is amazing!
Thank you - Rebecca

Webmaster said...

Stacey that's so awesome!!

Christina Martin said...

And I just can't get over how absolutely adorable he is. That smile is one of the most beautiful things I've seen this side of heaven.