Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 2

Ace walked right in the front doors and right into his classroom. He got a little clingy when I was getting ready to leave, but he was cool once I left.

When I went to pick him up (after a nice morning of drinking tea and reading the paper at Cups and avoiding being at home because it's too quiet), he started crying, walked into another classroom, and shut the door in my face.

Nice. Love you too, son.


mayberry said...

Yep. Got to love it when that happens.

Better than finding him all puffy faced from crying again. Right?

Jen said...

He is already turning into a little man! GO ACE! I am glad to read that he did better today and you are doing the right thing by keeping busy! :) Prayers continue!

Susan said...

Guess he's over that hating other kids thing. It's good to see progress!

Mrs.H said...

At some point, you will discover just how much you can get accomplished (housework, bills paid, etc.) when you have to keep busy at home.

(maybe he wanted to stay a little longer and wasn't really mad)

dhcoop said...

LOL! That's great!

dhcoop said...

oh, I just saw MrsH's comment. I assumed that he didn't want to leave which is why I said that's great! OOPS. I hope that was the case.

watercolordaisy said...

LOL! Guess he's doing well? :) Hope mommy is also. hugs!!

Style Expert said...

LOL! It's like they grow up overnight.

Nicole Bradshaw said...

I think he's finished with the "clingy toddler" phase and has skipped right to the independent teenager phase. I will let you know how tomorrow goes with us . . .

Jo said...

Hey Stacey! That is great news :) I love that he shut the door on you... because you know as well as I do that it's not him being mean, it's him telling you in the only way he knows how right now, "I'm not ready to go yet."

He will have up days and down days, but look at him go! Day 2 and he's already taking ownership of his space :)

Big Hugs! Trust me, the quiet house will become a place of solitude for you, rather than a place of emptiness :D

Sharon said...


Maybe soon the quiet at home won't seem so bad. :)

Katy said...

I guess he told you!

Gotta love that he can be so expressive at only two years of age.

Webmaster said...

Take comfort in that ... I know you're glad he's getting over his hatred of other kids!

From the Doghouse said...

And you were worried he wouldn't adjust.

black betty said...

i love it. they have such personalities.

Blog Stalker said...

Way to go Ace!

By the way, you are hilarious. been ready some of your earlier posts. nicely done

nicely done

Jacolyn said...

Every day is a little better...believe me.