Got home from my sister's house and it was completely overcast outside, no sign of sun at all. I have never let Ace play outside in the grass without being in his walker or on his canes, so I thought I'd set up his little blow-up pool and the new fun sprinkler that his cousin Veronica got for him. He was having a blast. He'd play with his toys, get out, crawl over and play with the sprinkler, get back in the pool, get out, make me blow bubbles, get back in, get out... until...
Nothing makes me feel more like a top notch mom than seeing my son turn around and start crawling toward his pool in a panic because he's got a huge swarm of ants marching up his arm.
I gave him some Benadryl and buttered him up with some hydrocortisone cream. I think he's got somewhere around 15-20 bites. Ugh. I'm going to go set fire to my front lawn. I will have revenge, you little jerks. I will have revenge.
7 months ago
Poor Ace. :(
You have my sincerest sympathies. This is an unfortunate area we've gained a lot of experience in. Aidan has been on an Rx 3 times this summer so far for bug bites, and I lather the boy w/ bug spray, too.
Right now he has a monstrous rash. Poor kid.
That's what we do here, too. Oh, and also those oatmeal baths. It's only temporary relief, but good right before bed.
The entomologists at Mississippi State suggest you purchase a large bag of Amdro and broadcast your yard with it. Then treat individual mounds as they occur.
Bless his heart. Those fire ants hurt.
You will deal with this until he is grown...both of my boys have been tore up by ants this summer. I have been dubbed "The Caladryl Queen" around our coop.
Hope he gets over it soon!
Oh my gosh--ONE bite hurts like the dickens for WEEKS on me--I cannot imagine what a swarm of them feels like--OUCH!
Poor little man!!!
Give him special hugs and a lollipop from me!
poor ace. the diva got attacked by them this weekend, too! her little feet are covered in bites.
Ok, so I don't know the difference between "red ants" and "fire ants", or is there a difference?
A fix that always worked for us for red ant bites was to rub toothpaste on the bites (for some reason I think colgate worked best, we used crest for tooth brushing but had a tube of colgate for ant bites). This was back when the choices were mint flavor paste or mint flavor paste, I wouldn't try any different flavor or "gells" for this.
If it's red ants give it a try, it took the sting and itch out of the bites and it's cheeper then meds.
Pint size has similar bites on his legs from a visit with the deadbeat and his family a few weeks ago... those things take a long fraking time to heal up completely...
just fair warning so you don't freak :)
And to think, I wanted to Napalm their lawn before you suggested napalming yours to get rid of the ants...
Of course, I wanted to napalm their house and car as well at one point...
Maybe we should go in on some economy sized napalm?
Poor Ace ... ants are the devil, I swear. If you can figure out how to get rid of them, please let me know!
i hope you took some photos! :)
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