Sunday, August 31, 2008

bad timing

Do you know why I hate Gustav the most right now?

Because he's coming while I'm PMSing. This is really, really inconvenient. I couldn't handle the emotions after Katrina, and I wasn't PMSing at the time. I'm going to be positively inconsolable for the next few days.

That's why I hate Gustav the most right now.


watercolordaisy said...


CluckyRN said...

Hugs, indeed.
Thinking about you.

Deanna said...

Bless your heart! I just told my hubs he better be glad I just got through my PMS time or I would be more of a wreck than I am. This Gustav is just a little too much.

HEATHER said...

Prayers coming your way!

Melinda said...

Hang in there, sweetie. I keep checking the weather maps hoping Gustav'll disappear or go off on vacation or something.

One really good thing is that they seem to be downgrading wind strength a little bit. So, it won't hit as hard as they though it would this morning or yesterday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a last minute path change.

AM said...

Amen, sista. I feel ya.

From the Doghouse said...

I think the Gulf was too.

black betty said...

sorry, boo. i'm glad i don't have to deal with that until april 09!!! good thing there's chocolate!