I am really kinda proud right now.
So last week, Michael Savage, closed-minded idiot talk show host extraordinaire, made the allegation that 99% of autistic children are just brats who haven't been disciplined, and alleges that autism is a result of not having a father around. I haven't checked, but I'm fairly certain dude's not a neurologist. Still.
SuperTalk Mississippi has cancelled his show. I think that's the most freaking awesome thing I've heard all day. I mean, the guy was previously known for calling a gay caller a "pig" and saying he hoped the caller would get AIDS and die. They shouldn't have had his show anyway, but I'm so so so so so glad it's been cancelled.
Please head over to SuperTalk Mississippi's contact page and thank them for canceling this ignorant bigot's show.
7 months ago
Hi Stacey. I came across your blog a couple of days ago and have really enjoyed reading it. I'm glad to hear they canceled his show ( I clicked your link and sent them a note by the way). Did you know his real name is Weiner? LOL he seems more like a d**k to me.
Go SuperTalk! Hopefully everybody who ever thought about airing his show will dump him. Looney. I can't believe some of these people ever got on the air to start with.
I also asked that they consider replacing Bill O'Reilly, lol! heh. Pretty sure they won't, but I asked....
Reminds me of that glorious, wonderful day when my former employer canceled Ann Coulter's column. Speaking of hate-mongering bigots ...
YAAAAAAYYYY! UGH! That man has pissed me off UMPTEEN times! (Mike Weiner? How perfect is that!) Ha ha ha ha!
In response to your response, I'm not the biggest Savage fan either. He is extremely inflammatory, hence the "entertainer". And yes, it seems his verbal attack was way over the line. (I can only speak conditionally, since you heard his rant, I did not)
My only point was that the guy shouldn't have his plug pulled because he said some pretty messed up stuff. I mean, where do you draw the line between obscenity and strong disagreement?
Bear in mind, I believe the dude was way out of line myself, and in NO WAY condone his verbage on this.
Anyway, you wanna hit a guy like that, hit him where it counts and write to his advertisers and his parent station in San Francisco, CA.
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