Monday, July 07, 2008

Best. News. Ever.

(No, I'm not pregnant. Jeez, y'all, give it a few months.)

Despite the 12-18 month wait time I was quoted 6 months ago, a spot just opened up at the school for special needs kids that I want Ace to go to.


Okay, we still gotta get past the part where they have to decide if the program will suit his needs (he gets a screening on Friday, then assessments over the next few weeks from the various therapists there). And hopefully his behavioral issues (you know, that whole thing about hating other children) won't keep him from going there. And they're going on summer break soon, so it'll be a while. I'm as excited as I can possibly be while doped up on cough syrup.

Oh please oh please oh please let him get in. Please please please.

By the way, I saw the director a few weeks ago at Newk's while eating supper with a few friends. I told my friends who she was and then told them to concentrate Ace thoughts in her direction. Good job, y'all. Good job.


mayberry said...


Supermom said...

Good luck!

watercolordaisy said...

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! Keep us posted!!

AM said...

is it lil lh??? if so, they're great!

Melinda said...

Stacey, once you have attempted to use "The Force," I think you're officially a nerd. Your pocket protector is in the mail.

Good luck.

Sharon said...

That IS good news. Nice way to start off the week. :)

I'll keep my fingers crossed!

Nicole Bradshaw said...

Man, my vibes are powerful. I try to use them for good rather than evil.

Katy said...

You know, I don't even know if they have a special needs school around here. That's awesome news, though.

From the Doghouse said...

That's awesome! Let us know when you hear the details.

Christy said...

That is so great!!! Good mojo vibes sent your way :)

Webmaster said...

You're welcome. :)

And kudos to Ace!!

The DP said...

I hated all other children when I was a child and look how I turned out!....oh wait, never mind.
I am SO excited about this news!

Jennifer said...

Fingers crossed for Ace!

Jacolyn said...

Yeah!! I hope he gets in. Let us know!

Supermom said...

I drive by that place every single morning and every single afternoon. =)