Can anyone recommend a good mechanic in the Brandon/Flowood area?
We went to Howard Wilson for years, but we handed over the Jeep to get the air conditioner fixed and promptly spent just shy of $2000. It came back to us with a broken cruise control and a broken back windshield button. They basically told us that because we couldn't prove they did it, they wouldn't fix it. Boom, loyal customer lost. Oh well.
There are roughly a jabrillion things wrong with the Jeep right now - the above mentioned, the back passenger door won't automatically lock/unlock, horn/airbag not working (I suspect the two are related), and of course it needs new tires. Too bad for you, Howard Wilson!
6 months ago
sounds like you got some good info from MRBA
graves and stoddard in pearl, although i don't know what all kind of work they do
Where's the info at MRBA? Couldn't find it. It's always good to find one in case you need it.
Doghouse - there were something like 330 comments yesterday on Marshall's FFA. If you wanna wade through there and find the info again for me, I'd appreciate it ;)
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