When Mommy's singing "You Are My Sunshine" to you for the umpty millionth time, holding back tears remembering the day you were born, and pauses right after "you make me" so she can sniff, you can make Mommy cry by saying "happy size ah gway." ("...happy, [when] skies are gray.")
And then when Mommy starts crying anew, thinking about the past year of your life and how much you've grown and how proud she is of you, you can make her cry again when she stops to sniff after she sings "please don't take my" and say "sunsina way."
7 months ago
This brought tears to my eyes too, because this is what I sing to my Paddycakes!
It's those great moments that make it all worth it.
stop it, damnit! i didn't want to cry this morning! :P
*tears* some of my most vivid childhood memories are of my mom holding me singing the same song
You stinking made my cry.
I really want to meet Ace! What if we plan a trip to Mississippi?
Yay Ace!
Mommy's crying; ask her for a car!
Awww!! I have cried more looking at this blog this past week than I have in the past month.
oh my, that makes me want to cry too! This age is probably my favorite so far (my oldest is 6), when they are starting to talk, and sing, and tell you "I love you". that and boys (at least mine) love their moms more. my daughter is daddy's girl all the way.
oh, and I love that picture you had yesterday of Ace, such gorgeous eyes!
Happy Birthday Ace!!
only to be topped when they understand the song...and they start crying and say, "please don't die"....or "I don't wanna die"
I'd think she's seen Beaches...I'm jus' sayin'
You should post this on Miss Moms. This is sooo sweet. I need a tissue!
This is why I can't post these types of topics. I cry.
aaaw! very sweet. hugs!!!!
you have most wonderful baby ever. i don't have kids and i am like, why try, ace is way too cool :(
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