I woke up this morning absolutely exhausted, but I knew y'all paid good money for me to suffer, so I put on my big girl panties and got up and headed to Lakeshore Park for the March for Babies. The weather was awesome - completely overcast and not too warm. No sun whatsoever. Perfect. Angie, who has forgiven me for the photo, drove all the way up here with her freaking awesome boyfriend, Rick, so they could walk with me.
The walk was looonnng. For the locals, it was from Lakeshore Park all the way across the Northshore Parkway bridge over the Reservoir and back. For non-locals, probably about 4 miles. Dude. SO LONG. We came in nearly dead last. We grabbed our pizza and chips and water and sat around for a little while.
I suggested we mosy on home so I could shower and get ready for my next adventure - a baby shower. As we were walking away, the organizer for the March for Babies was reading off the awards for the top fundraisers. Rick said, "Did he just say Team Ace?" I turned around and the guy was saying it again. I said "Team Ace? A-C-E, team Ace? Seriously?"
Thanks to y'all, at the time I turned in all of the money, Team Ace had raised $1,035. I still have $120 coming my way, too! That made Team Ace the second biggest fundraiser for family teams. I swear, I've never won an award like that.
Like last year, I got a little teary-eyed seeing all of the people there. Because of them and so many people like them, the March of Dimes has pioneered research that has turned into techniques and technology that saved my son's life. From the bottom of my heart, y'all, I cannot thank you enough for donating to a cause that is so, so important to me. My world has opened up tremendously since Ace has been born, and I've been able to see why the March of Dimes does what it does and how their advances have helped save so, so many lives.
Thank you again. We're number two! Woot!
7 months ago
Woot! Woot! Way to go Team Ace! Sa-weeeet!!!!
Way to go Team Ace! Glad my little donation could help Team Ace!
Sa-weet! Thanks for all the work, March of Dimes is one of the few charities I've always liked to support. Glad you were able to raise so much for them!
Go Team Ace! Awesome!!!!
excellent!! Go Team Ace!!
YOU ROCK! Congrats, hon!
We are second to NO ONE missy! That is so fantastic!!!
That is great! You are such an inspiration to mothers every where. You guys rock!
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