Since I bummed y'all out hardcore yesterday with Matt's blog, I'll share a funny one today: Crummy Church Signs. Don't worry, it's not all "Christians are dumb, look at their dumb signs;" it's just funny church signs ("Pray for the harvest, but don't stop hoeing") with hilarious commentary.
And now the happiest news of the day... jesusthroughmary/Tony/self-appointed professional HIFF pain in the butt welcomed his second baby into the world yesterday morning. Bonaventure looks a lot like his big brother Ignatius, which is totally a good sign because Ignatius is gorgeous.
The South welcomes you, Bono!

Congrats on the new baby!!
Thank you. :o)
I'm completely conflicted about Charlie's birth too. Billie on micropreemietwins summed it up nicely for me: We're celebrating the life, not the birth. That was a comma splice, but I'll get over it.
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