You've said such things as "I can't believe how big he's getting," "He's looking more 'little boy' and less 'baby ace' all the time," "He's looking so grown up," and "He looks like he's 3 or 4 in that photo."
I want you all to know how wrong you are.
Here I am holding him just a few weeks ago:

Here he is getting ready for a bath last week:

And here he is giving his Aunt Emily a "come-hither" glance, just last weekend.

As you can see, he's still a baby. BABY BABY BABY. Little bitty baby never gonna grow up BABY. And as for you, ANGIE, telling me I'm in denial, how dare you. As you can see from these pictures, he's a baby.
Y'all can apologize now.
Please accept my humblest apologies.....
I never intended to send you into a case of psychosis.
Some parents! Geez!
I know, sweet Stacey. It's amazing how watching them grow can swell you with pride but rip your heart out at the same time.
Mini-me brushed her teeth and got ready for bed all by herself last night. This is the last ritual besides fixing her meals that I had been holding onto.
Pretty soon she'll be fixing her own waffles.
Deep sigh.
Oh Honey, I feel your pain!
I am so sorry.
If if helps any my baby will be 5 in July and I just can't cope!
um Stacey... I hate to tell you this but I think I saw Ace shaving last weekend. I'm just saying.
yeah, what supermom said...
he asked me out on a date just last weekend... ;)
Black Betty - if you call saying "Hey baby" and grabbing your boob asking you out on a date, I really MUST know how Mr. Rofarto proposed.
See, that's just wrong. When Ace does it, it's a date. When I do it, I just get slapped.
ha! I dealt really well with all the numbers but I'm having a hard time accepting 6...I can't imagine 13, 18, 21 or 30....Geez
Now you're making ME tear up! Mine's still a baby, too, so I know how you feel...That's why you and I can't decide whether or not to have a second baby--it's hard to have two tiny babies at one time. (We'll have the same conversations years from now--See you at the prom!)
Yeah... I ain't gotta leave no stinkin apology since I didn't say a THING about how grown up he looks! Dangit!
Hee hee :)
My "baby" is eight. Can you believe it? EIGHT!!! He's going to be going to 3rd grade, y'all! OMG! I was a BASKET case when he went to kindergarten, and now he's almost in THIRD grade.
I found a card that I want to frame and hang on his door: Always kiss me goodnight.
I know EXACTLY where you are coming from, Sistah!
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