I was listening to the radio last night on my way home from one of a thousand errands. The DJ was running a call-in promotion where the caller had to finish the sentence correctly to get a prize. "Fifty-eight percent of women have admitted to doing this..."
Find out what the promotion was, and why I got so mad about it, over here at the mississippimoms.com Mom Squad blog.
7 months ago
Excellent point and excellent comments.
GAH! Blogger won't let me post my comment!!! Trying again!
I agree completely! I think it is assinine how there is such a double standard. Women are protecting themselves, but men who do the same thing are abusive? NOT!
The father of one of my preschoolers told me that his ex-wife was the abuser in their relationship, but he took the blame for it because he didn't want his children to see their mommy in jail. So he has a record of domestic violence and she is walking free as a bird! That's just not right!
Had I heard that comment on the radio I would have called in and given them a piece of my mind!
Of course, I'm just opinionated... LOL!!!
i beat my hubby on a regular basis...he shouldn't talk smack.
This pisses me off, too---My mom and I actually had a conversation about this tonight on the way home from yoga. It's truly sad how often this occurs
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