To the guy from Adams County driving the Kia Rio on I-55 north this morning at around 10:30:
Maybe you didn't see the giant yellow sign that said "EXIT ONLY" right under the Pearl Street exit sign, with convenient arrows pointing at the lane you were in. This sign happens to be a solid half-mile before the exit itself.
Maybe you didn't see the thick white lines, which on most interstates means that the lane you're in is an exit lane.
Maybe you didn't see that the lane you were in was splitting from the other lane in preparation to actually leave the interstate.
Maybe you're an idiot and shouldn't have your driver's license, because you realized all of the above facts at the very last second and crossed approximately 10 feet of striped median to jump RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Maybe you should have taken the Pearl exit and turned around and gotten back on the interstate, instead of endangering my life and my son's life.
Maybe you didn't notice the woman behind you that had to slam on her brakes and swerve to avoid you, and maybe you didn't notice the person behind her also slamming on his brakes. Maybe you didn't notice the woman's head explode into flames, as her son has recently developed the ability to mimic everything she says and she has no other way to express her rage at you.
Maybe you should go back to Natchez, where there are no big confusing interstates or exit lanes or BIG YELLOW SIGNS TELLING YOU EXACTLY WHERE YOU'RE GOING.
Love and kisses,
The lady in the Jeep who would totally punch you in the kidney if she had the chance
7 months ago
I hope that poor little Ace didn't pick up any new words!
Does your March for Babies site take PayPal? I looked the other day but couldn't find a section for that. I would like to make just a flat donation but really didn't want to put it on a credit card.
Atta girl. People are such retards when they get behind the wheel. I hope you honked at least.
Probably talking on his cell phone telling someone about being in the Big City....
There you go. Now see? don't you feel better already? =)
Let me guess; didn't even realize the commotion going on behind him.
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