Gotta fever. Aches everywhere. Flu, anyone? So much for that $20 I spent on the flu shot.
Ace has an fever now too, higher even than mine. I have no idea what's wrong, but I haven't had the strength to get up and investigate. His only symptoms are whining and nuclear poops.
Phenergan is magic. Magic. Also magic? My husband. He takes such great care of me.
7 months ago
OY... sorry you don't feel well :(
And that Ace doesn't either!
Hugs to you both (from WAY far away so we don't get your germies!)
** hugs **
Aw, child, you got the debbul in you. I dun tole you you got the debbul.
That totally sucks. Hope ya'll are on the mend really soon.
Prayers and hugs.
Sorry you feel bad (Ace too). Glad hubby's being a good boy.
I'm so sorry you feel crummy! When you're feeling better, you can play along in the meme I tagged you for. (Oh, bad grammar, that!)
Do you think you'll make it to RFTS?
If I were there, I'd make you a big batch of chicken soup. Sorry you're down.
Yuck! Is it really the flu? I debate getting the shot every year and skipped it again--I'm always waiting for it to catch up with me. I hope you feel better :o(
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