Drew, Ace, and I went to Hal and Mal's St. Paddy's Day parade yesterday. I slathered the boys and myself with sunscreen, going easy on Ace's face because sunscreen kinda makes him break out, and he's getting Easter pictures on Tuesday. He doesn't usually mind wearing hats, so I figured that'd make up for what the sunscreen couldn't do.
We established ourselves in a pretty good spot during the parade and stayed for about 20 minutes when the parade just stopped for no apparent reason. After nearly half an hour of waiting for another the next float (and I knew one was coming), I was hungry and starting to get grumpy and it was nearly time for Ace's nap, so we had to leave.
I saw the little breakout bumps from the sunscreen on Ace's arms and legs before he went down for a nap, but nothing on his face. I thought I'd gotten off pretty easy since I had to fight with him to wear the hat during the entire parade, or at least until we got tired of waiting for the floats to start and had to leave.
Drew called me when Ace woke up from his nap to tell me that my baby had a pretty gnarly sunburn all over his face. Clearly, I went a little too easy with the sunscreen and gave up one too many times with the hat. I told Drew to put a bunch of diaper rash ointment on his face, and when I got home I gave him Benadryl for the bumps and ibuprofen to quell the swelling from the sunburn.
This morning his face is so swollen that his eyes are about half the size they usually are. I'm feeling like a real winner, folks. A real winner.
Thanks for nothing, Hal and Mal's St. Paddy's Day Parade. The parade itself was a hot mess full of fail (being a New Orleanian, I have unusually high standards for parades, but I can't believe anyone waited half an hour between the last set of Sweet Potato Queens and the floats) AND my baby got a sunburn.
Oh, and all the websites that tell me that the best treatment for a sunburn is to not get one at all? SCREW YOU, you judgmental b****es. I KNOW THAT.
At least he can still count - in fact, he just got to ten. Maybe he's counting the ways that his mother sucks.
7 months ago
if you have aloe... that is the best treatment... if he is in pain... you can dampen a face towel... stick it in the freezer... and when it freezes.. stick it in a zip lock... to put over his eyes...... i find that the adult moisterizers with the highest spf works best for babies faces... the sun screen works best for the rest of the bodies... and slather the stuff on... before i realized that cj had my complexion... i was paranoid that he would burn easily in the sun... so i took great care in his protection... hang in there mommie... you are doing a good job... don't be so hard on yourself... and you can always call me... i have a five year old... been through most things already... i wouldn't consider myself an expert... but i have a little more experience....
I swear, taking kids in for professional pictures is like ASKING for something bad to happen. Every time I have an appointment for Landon, he winds up with a black eye or a bad ras or cut or something! I wish I had some advice on the sunburn, but you did what I probably would have done already...clearly I'm not the best person to ask--:o) Post those pics when they finally do happen--I could eat that boy up!!!
Aloe. I have a plant. Email me if you want me to cut off some for you today.
Oh, and hey. No mom is ever perfect. No human is ever perfect. Take a deep breathe and move on. hugs!!!!
Honey, get yourself some brown paper bags and soak them in apple cider vinegar. Fill your tub with tepid water and Gallons of Apple Cider Vinegar. Put Ace in it. Yes it will stink, but it will pull the burn out. See if you can't make it into a game about keeping the wet paper bag strips on his face. I have no idea why it works, but it does.
poor baby!!! :(
hope he gets well SOON!!!!!!
Did it occur to anyone that the kid could be alergic to the sunscreen?
I've heard vinegar takes teh burn out of sunburn... haven't tried it, as I don't normally burn... not sure why because I'm allergic to most sunscreens so tend to NOT use them.
But don't be too hard on yerself.... he isn't going to be scarred for life, so you're still in the good mommy club :)
Love ya!!!
good point rob! I am allergic to chemical sunscreens and turn a lovely shade of bright peeling oozy red when I forget and use something with it in it.
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