I've been thinking about starting a preemie support group at River Oaks hospital for a couple of weeks now. I have this terrible habit of getting all stoked about doing something, but then not doing it. So y'all need to hold me accountable.
I don't think it'd be that difficult. Maybe Thursdays (before Grey's Anatomy, natch) during the NICU evening shift change. All preemie parents would be welcome, not just the ones at River Oaks, and not just the ones that are in the NICU at the time - preemie parenting doesn't end upon discharge. I'd need a room at River Oaks, maybe a few publishers to donate some preemie books for general reference. I could put an ad in the paper, have the NICU nurses advertise for me.
Y'all know I'm a big fan of support groups... after all, I was basically raised with AA's 12 steps as my religion. It's kinda second nature to me.
I might spend some weeks in a room playing Wheel of Fortune on my cell phone for an hour because nobody shows up, but that's okay. I am freakin' AWESOME at Wheel of Fortune.
Hold me accountable. Ask me every once in a while how it's going. Ask me if I've started it yet. Bug me a little.
If y'all have any helpful ideas, I'd like to hear those too.
7 months ago
i think it sounds great!
you, too??? i thought I was the only kid who grew up in AA. my mom would laugh at me all the time b/c they would make their way around the table and i would ALWAYS say, "my name is rani (i was 7 @ the time) and i've been sober for seven years."
LOL! :)
Sounds like a good idea to me. We'll bug you about it!
You could probably even get parents to donate books and materials that they've used over the years. You could put together a referral list of providers and resources that people have used and liked, etc. Lure people in with the offer of good organized information and then get them to stick around for continued support.
Sounds wonderful! Make a list of what needs to be done and set some dates to them. :)
oooohhh permission to bug Stacey... I likey!
Hey go to the calendar on MississippiMoms.com and click on the "add your own event" link. Fill in the place, time, day, etc. and send it in. Once it's approved (I do that every morning), it will run on the Web sites of The Clarion-Ledger, all five of its non-daily newspapers and, of course, MississippiMoms.com.
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