Friday, November 02, 2007

Why I hate people

My great-grandfather built a log cabin in a teeny tiny town in Georgia all by himself in the early part of last century.

Sometime in the past few months, some people broke into it and apparently destroyed everything they couldn't steal. My grandfather sent out an e-mail telling us about it and said much to his delight, he found an adorable picture of my cousin Jonathan "buried in the carnage."

I hate people.


watercolordaisy said...

arg. Why are people so stupid and destructive? I am sorry about your grandfather's cabin.

Sharon said...

"How rude!"
I'm sorry.

Jennifer said...

This makes me SICK! Can anything be done to help him out? :o(

Supermom said...

That really does suck. I am sorry he had to go through that. :(

CluckyRN said...

At least the Saints are ahead at halftime,

Just kidding. Sorry about your Papaw.


BB said...
