Mike Huckabee's campaign did fund raiser yesterday called a money bomb and at the end of the day had raised around $225,000. In October, he raised a little more than a million dollars. That's nothing to sneeze at, especially for someone who's not a front runner. For the record, I like Huckabee on most major points except for his stance on the war. I will not vote for someone who is pro-choice or pro-war.
Barack Obama, one of the Democratic front runners and a name everyone has heard, raised $4,500 in a money bomb on the 16th.
Ron Paul's campaign raised $250,000 yesterday, and that wasn't a money bomb. In a money bomb on November 5th, they raised $4.2 million dollars. Now it's not just rich people supporting the guy - he just has a major grassroots support system. He's the closest thing to a revolutionary that a presidential campaign has seen in a while, and for people who are really tired of where this country is going, he's the only one who's not selling the same ol' crap that everyone else is selling.
I'm tired of where this country is going. Are you? Does the candidate you support truly stand for change? Ron Paul is the only guy not picking his nose in Congress saying "where are we going, and why are we in this handbasket?"
7 months ago
I'm BACK! I love your FryDay posts - that whole plan sounds like a blast!
I just saw a video on Mike Huckabee and his response to a question about his spiritual beliefs. It's so nice to see somebody speak up, unapologetically, about their belief in God.
Hope Ace is better now and that ya'll have a rockin Thanksgiving!
Most candidates use Jesus as a pandering tool. Like I said, I like Huckabee to an extent, but he just seems like a car salesman reciting his lines from a script.
Plus... pro-war? Jesus probably isn't on that bandwagon.
It seems to me that the higher up you get on the political race scale, the more you shake your head at what goes on.
tagged you back
Nobody is pro-war. Except the infidels who are intent on killing us regardless of whether or not we stay in Iraq.
"Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." - Mt 10:34
Anyone who plans on staying in a ridiculous, unwinnable, useless quagmire of a war is pro-war. Anyone who would go into a war unless absolutely necessary in the face of imminent danger to our citizens is pro-war. Anyone who would keep us there is pro-war.
Define "imminent danger". Is it before or after the suicide bomber gets on the bus?
The war isn't unwinnable. We just don't have the guts to win it.
Let's see, what's the best way to prevent a suicide bomber from getting on the bus... Oh yeah! Bombing his whole country and killing all of his friends and family!
This war is unwinnable as defined as the "war on terror." Terrorism will never be vanquished. We just have to stop sticking the collective American nose where it doesn't belong.
"Let's see, what's the best way to prevent a suicide bomber from getting on the bus... Oh yeah! Bombing his whole country and killing all of his friends and family!"
Now you get it!
I'm going to call a spade a spade. Schmuckabee supports continuing the killing of people whose "crime" is resisting our invasion of their part of the world and continuing the killing of anyone else unlucky enough to get caught in the middle. Ask yourself how charitable and forgiving you would be to an invading army destroying your cities and terrorizing and killing your friends and family. The troops are starting to realize that we shouldn't be there, that we should never have been there... but the politicians don't care because they don't have anything to lose.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Stacey! Your family is in my prayers.
(I tried to comment on your latest blog but didn't see a link...)
i need to hear more about this ron paul fella. sounds kinda cool!
Hey! I just wanted to send you the link to a Ron Paul video that my friend sent to me. Let me know what you think! :o)
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