Thursday, November 15, 2007

I love this man.

Me: Did you read that Santas in Australia are being warned not to say "ho ho ho?"
Drew: Why?
Me: Because it might be offensive to women.
Drew: Only if they're hos!

Also, last night, we had a spotting of Drew's nocturnal musings. I got in bed and started to do all my bedtime nonsense - Drew had been asleep for a few hours. He stirred a little bit, then...

Drew: Get him off of me!
Me: Honey? You okay?
Drew: He's... bek bok bek... bek bek... bok... becket... JACKET!
Me: *oh dear me, please don't wake anyone up laughing*
Drew: Why are you laughing? Get him off of me.
Me: Babe, you're dreaming.
Drew: bek bek... jacket... zzzzzzzz


Supermom said...

I got in bed and started to do all my bedtime nonsense


Jennifer said...

SHUT UP!! That is sooooooo funny! Ha ha ha! Andy's boring--he just snores. I wake up, kick him, and go back to sleep just to start all over again in five minutes. Goo times.

watercolordaisy said...
