Monday, October 08, 2007


As I was holding my giant lump of baby the other night, I was stricken by just how huge he is. His head was on my shoulder and his legs were dangling between my legs. That's a big ol' boy.

The following picture came to mind. Was this really my child?

The bigger he gets, the harder this is to believe.


BB said...

girl...i feel ya.

i was looking at my girl this weekend thinking the same exact thing....boy, how time flies.

p.s. he's a cutie. :)

watercolordaisy said...


Sharon said...

I remember seeing this before. It's just as sweet today as it was the first time I saw it.

Isn't it amazing how fast they grow? I look at Aidan now and can't believe he was as small as Brennan years ago. It feels like YESTERDAY!

Webmaster said...

Reminds me of conversation with hubby when my girl was about 2.

Me: "I'll be so glad when she's potty trained."
Hubby: "I'll be glad when she's graduating college."

yeah, right.

watercolordaisy said...

This is why I wish I was going to have kids in this life. sigh

Melinda said...

I told you the maturation chamber would work. And his borg implants aren't even visible. So there!

Jennifer Carter said...

Cherish these moments. Some people only get them for a brief second!