Tuesday, September 11, 2007

You've GOT to be kidding.

I saw a story on the news tonight about a woman who had killed her lover's wife and unborn son by stabbing her repeatedly.

She wants leniency because she's a descendant of slaves. Oh, and because she's suffered discrimination as a black woman.

Now there's a precedent we, as a nation, want set.


Unknown said...

She probably didn't get every toy she wanted at Christmas time when she was a kid, either. I wonder if they'll shank you at the women's prison for baby-killing like they do at men's prisons.

Sharon said...

With her line of thinking, does that allow me to become a drunk simply because there is Irish in me?

Oh, and completely UNREALTED, but asking anyway. what are your throught on Fred Thompson? Compared w/ Ron Paul?

Webmaster said...

Wow. No way!
Murder is murder, and one's ancestry should not be a "get out of jail free" card! That's heinous!

Susan said...

That just tells me that the woman has no real defense and is digging for something. I personally liked the victim's family's response - she was a decendent of slaves, too, but that didn't get her any leniency.

Stacey said...

Sharon - some things are okay about him, but the man just strikes me as a politician. That is the thing I like most about Ron Paul - he's not just a compilation of perfectly scripted sound bytes. He speaks honestly. And everything he says is backed up with his record, which is far from what you can say about any other candidate. *cough* Mitt "I'm pro-choice, wait, I'm a Republican, no I'm not" Romney *cough*

The thing that turns me off most about Fred Thompson is his support of continuing this war. I find it very telling that most of the Republican men and women who are serving in war zones support Ron Paul. They're the ones there, the ones seeing what is and isn't working. Why do they support the guy who wants complete withdrawal? I doubt it's because they're chicken and don't want to come home, quite the opposite. If they saw a point to the continued occupation, they'd be supporting one of the other pro-war candidates.

I've been against this war since the very beginning, so I feel very strongly about this... I've thought the answer to terrorism such as what happened on 9/11 is minding our own darn business and not sticking the collective American nose where it doesn't belong. Terrorists are like wasps - you leave them alone, they leave you alone. Ron Paul realizes that.

Haha, that enough? :)

Unknown said...

I wore my Ron Paul Revolution t-shirt to school today. I meant to tack a flier up to a message board too, but I was in a hurry. I'm wearing it at work now too.

Christy said...

That is just appalling!

Melinda said...

Hey, considering my Native American background, can I starting robbing people and call it collecting centuries of unpaid rent?

CluckyRN said...

I have Cherokee, Irish and French...what in the world could I get away with?

I hope this bitch gets what she's got coming.


AM said...

and can I get off b/c I have Post traumatic stress from my family walking the Trail of Tears....or the other 1/4 working in insane conditions during the Industrial Rev......puh-lease...Wah! wah! wah!....They're also trying to be picky about who's on the jury....*tards!!!!