I was laying on the floor texting last night and pinched my sciatic nerve. That is some amazing pain. Pretty much laid up today, but I had to get my blogging fix.
Things I've learned from this experience:
-Mississippi ERs are like a thousand times better than Los Angeles area ERs.
-Sciatic nerves serve no function other than to HURT.
-Texting is dangerous
-Oxycodone gets me loaded very, very quickly. Also, it gives me the shakes.
-Residual coughing left over from a cold really sucks right after you've pinched your sciatic nerve.
7 months ago
Yeah, the sciatic nerve is an SOB alright! Get well soon.
Ouch, ouch ouch! There is nothing worse than that kind of shooting pain!
Good luck with this for sure!
Oh no! I hope you get to feeling better quickly. I'd offer to come babysit Ace tomorrow, but I'll be in even worse shape than you are...
I'm almost scared to ask HOW you pinched this nerve texting.
Do you text with your toes?
If so, impressed with your flexibility. :)
(hope you feel better soon)
Hope you're feeling better! I can imagine the coughing hurts. *ouch*
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