Friday, September 07, 2007

new ink

I'm like a posting bandit the past few days.

So, I want a new tattoo. My last one left me gasping for air and whining that I'd nevereverevereverevernever get another one, but now I think I have a higher pain tolerance... aaaand I've got some left over pain meds that should take the edge off. (Okay, I feel sooo weird talking about all this knowing that someone from one of my old temp assignments reads this blog. Gotta shake that feeling. Hi Susan!)

When I got Drew's initials on my back, I wanted the bottom curve of the S to curve down so I could add letters, kinda like a vine. Now I want something different. I want something representing my family, including my angel baby... or I just want something for my angel baby.

I'm thinking about getting a tiny angel on the inside of my wrist, with blue and pink wings (I don't know what my baby's gender was, and I've never had a strong feeling either way). I think I'd like the body of it to be an opaque white, because my baby would've been born in June, and the birthstone for June is a pearl.


I'd like to get a flower, something simple, with three petals on it and another petal kinda... floating away. I'd probably get that on my back or on my shoulder, not sure.

What do y'all think? I know I've got some creative minds reading this. Gimme your opinions.


Supermom said...

I like the flower petal idea. But they are all good ideas.

My only thought is NO way on the wrist. That's got to hurt worse!!

CluckyRN said...

Yep...Big Mama here has a tatt :)

Mine is 2 dolphins in the shape of a heart-for my twins on my right shoulder blade. I took Lorcet an hour before the tatt and it wasn't bad at all-the drugs being leftovers from the tonsils coming out a month before.

I really like the petal idea. I'm thinking a 4 leaf clover for Morgan...or a fairy, or a butterfly, or a STOP ME PLEASE.

I couldn't do the wrist thing either...OUCH.

Mine was done at Jack & Diane's in Biloxi...I need to see if they are still in business....


Susan said...

Uh, I already know you're weird. You don't have to worry about disclosing that information. =) Besides, you told me you had one when you were at the bank! Not like I work there anymore anyway. And frankly, as long as I don't have to be anywhere near the needle, more power to you.

I like the flower idea, too, and agree that the wrist sounds painful. Take the drugs and avoid the wrist. Good plan. I like the angel idea too, but from a practical standpoint it sounds way more detailed (painful) and I like the way the flower sorta symbolizes the entire family, which at some point or another will all fly with the first petal.

brig said...

why don't you hang the 3 petal flower curly vine-like from the "S", and then have a butterfly or angel hovering over to represent your baby?
That way it's like a guardian angel over the 3 of you.

Jennifer said...

A friend of mine got a star tattooed on the inside of each of her wrists and said it actually wasn't as bad as the others she's had done (shock to me!). On the other hand, I've been told that the WORST place (pain wise) to get a tattoo is on your index finger b/c of all of the nerve endings--My friend is getting a smiley face on his :o)

mayberry said...

Once I have an answer for what kind of tatt I'm getting to represent Mini-me, I'll give you ideas for yours. I've been undecided for over 2 years.

Good to know that some pain meds will help take the edge off....I'll remember that.