Friday, September 07, 2007

The hard part

I don't know what the hardest part is about being the parent of a preemie, but being Ace's shield is right up there in the hardest parts. I can't tell you how many times I've had to jump down someone's throat for not washing their hands or slathering on the Purell. "Don't touch my baby" always goes over smashingly well. Especially when I add "you germ-ridden FREAK" to the end.

I just sent an e-mail to my grandma, my stepmom, and my sister painstakingly detailing the ground rules of being in Ace's presence. Y'all know the deal. Purell, wash hands, don't be sick, etc. I had to add a few more on because my sister and stepmom are smokers. I hate doing this stuff sometimes. I hate thinking that I'm going to offend people. I don't want people thinking they have to walk on eggshells - Ace really is made of some strong stuff, just not strong enough to handle everything - at least, not until he's 2. At that point, I'm signing him up to be a linebacker and a coal miner.

I know they'll understand and I know they'll follow the rules because they love Ace... I especially know that if I put in the rules that they have to paint themselves red and do cartwheels, my stepmom and grandma would be first in line at the paint store because they're so excited about seeing Ace. I know they'll respect my anal-ness... but ugh. Laying down the ground rules kinda sucks.

Also, mapping out a route to the nearest pediatric intensive care unit sucks.


Vicki said...

Oh, Sugar, no worries. If we must dip ourselves in Purell, so be it. I don't want any harm coming the way of that sweet boy. :)

Susan said...

I'd want to bonk you in the head if I was around him and you DIDN'T remind me of those things!

The DP said...

ok so now I have to would you, as a parent, see the ideal guest?

Stacey said...

Thank you, stepmommy :)

cncz - Walk in, don't be sick, wash your hands/purell without me asking, and CLEAN MY HOUSE. That's the ideal guest. I'm just saying.

As a parent though... Not sick, doesn't ring the doorbell, calls first (giving me a chance to shower/tell them to not ring the doorbell/clean the myriad bottles off the floor), doesn't get all loud when Ace is sleeping. That's all I ask. Really.

Oh, and get what you want out of the fridge/cupboard. I'm a terrible hostess, I'd rather people get what they want then go through the tedious "we have water, caffeine free diet coke, I could make some coffee, oh we have tea" rigamarole.

Jennifer said...

I wish people would do all of those things anyways (wash, sanitize, stay away if they're sick, etc.) I've noticed that adults don't go out that much when they're sick, but people are ALWAYS taking their kids out when the kids are sick--Kind of like, "You're contageous, but I have errands to run so get in the car." Our whole house was sick last week after a trip to the library--Blah!

mayberry said...

Anybody's who's been through what you have with Ace has the right to be as anal about his visitors as you want to be. More power to ya MOMMY!