Sunday, September 09, 2007

GREAT article on prematurity.

I just read an article broken up into two parts about prematurity. Please check it out - I'm tired of seeing articles whose authors act as though preemies are just small full term babies. They aren't, folks, and I sure hope that reading this blog so far has taught you that. It's always a tragedy when a child is born too early, no matter how miraculous their survival.

I read an article a few weeks ago about a set of multiples born at 28 weeks - the dad said that their doctor told them that their lungs, brains, and hearts were fully developed. I couldn't believe what I read. Either his doctor lied, or he heard what he wanted to hear. No 28-weeker has a fully developed anything. Seriously y'all, there's a reason they're supposed to cook for 40 weeks.

Here's the article. If you need to register, just go to to get a username and password.

Part One
Part Two

1 comment:

Webmaster said...

What a fantastic blog, Stacey. I may pull this onto the moms site for discussion!