Curses. Dadgummit. Farfegnugen. Arrggghhhhh.
My fellow pro-lifers:
You are intelligent people. Intelligent people realize the awful, awful impact that abortion has had on our society. You are free-thinking people. In a world where it seems we are in the minority, you persist against abortion.
Why, then, would you support Mitt effin' Romney???? Seriously.
Mitt Romney has flip flopped on the issue of abortion an alarming number of times. How serendipitous that he would adopt a hard line stance against abortion the moment he becomes a Republican presidential candidate? Is it because he's just had a big Hallmark moment change of heart? Or is it because he's a dirty pandering politician who realizes how hard it is for a Republican pro-choicer to get elected? I'll let you think on that. He's courting you until he becomes president, at which point he'll turn his back on you just like he's done at every chance in his political history.
Oh, except the partial-birth abortion ban. But honestly, what wack job didn't vote for that?
One politician with the utmost pro-life integrity (I know, nigh impossible, right?) is Ron Paul. Dr. Paul has stood completely against abortion in his 20-ish years being a politician, and has never once... not ONCE voted in favor of abortion. In fact, he never votes for anything he feels is unconstitutional, and never has. Congress calls him Dr. No because while they rewrite the constitution every single day, Dr. Paul sticks by its side. He's sponsored many pro-life bills, voted against pro-abortion bills, and has, in fact, delivered over 4,000 babies in his career as a gynecologist in Texas.
Y'all know I'm not all rhetoric and woman hatin' when it comes to my opposition to abortion. Roe vs. Wade was unconstitutional, and the ensuing damage to women has been heartbreaking. The fact that Dr. Paul actually stands behind his opposition from the perspective of someone who dealt with pregnant women on a daily basis really touches my heart. Women need to know that they deserve better and a world without abortion is a better world for women. Dr. Paul knows this.
The guy is our only hope when it comes to ridding our country of the scourge that is abortion, especially taxpayer-funded abortion programs. He is historically and unfailingly pro-life, Mitt Romney is NOT. Man, I wish I could shout that at everyone, including the writer of the Pro-Life News Report. Please, look at a politician's history before you vote for him or her. Look at where he or she has historically stood on the issues. Don't just vote for the most popular person who says he or she is pro-life.
I understand if you don't agree with Dr. Paul's politics on the whole, but damn it, don't vote for someone who will make a complete fool out of you. Please.
7 months ago
I know this is off topic, but HELLO! Cute Ace pics?
Love this post, Stacey. You make great points, and it's good encouragement to actually LEARN aboutt he candidate one votes for! I admit, with shame, that I've yet to educate myself on presidential candidates. (well, I know I won't be voting for Hillary!)
I'll be looking into this guy. ;)
So often people want to label pro-lifers as people who vote based on one issue. (abortion).
OK, maybe that IS the MAIN thing some of us vote on. HOWEVER, I personally beleive it tella a lot about a person in ALL areas when they claim to be pro-choice or pro-life. The way we view life, the value of it, really influences our views on everything else.
So yes, that ONE issue is so important. I'm glad to read that Ron Paul has a good history of voting pro-life.
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