First: Pasketti time!
I discovered during the first visit with the occupational therapist that Ace is now able to feed himself stuff. I totally didn't know that. I wish I had. Cheerios make GREAT babysitters. We gave him spaghetti for the first time and he straight up DUG the stuff. It's so cute, he'll get a piece of whatever he's eating stuck to his palm, then smash his whole hand up on his face.
He looks up to his Granny.
Alternate picture title: Look at how enormous my child is.
My printer, let me show you it.
I are printer kitteh. (LOLcats FTW!)
Last Thursday's lunch. Long live the King.
So Angie, Drew, Ace, and I headed to Natchez on Saturday. Angie had never been, and I thought it'd be a fun, easy day trip for Ace. We drove down, had lunch, stopped at a few places, then headed back up on the Natchez Trace.
On the way down, Ace was pretty good. Angie sat in back with him and kept him entertained. At one point, though, she put Drew's hat on his head, where he held it in this position for a good 5 minutes.
We all thought he'd fallen asleep like that.
But he hadn't.
Ace hearts his Auntie Angie.
We didn't stay in Natchez long, and it was too doggone hot to worry about taking a bunch of pictures. I know Angie took several, so I'll wait till she posts her pictures on her picture blog and link to that.
After about an hour in a nice, chilly car driving along the nice, shaded Trace, we veered off to go see the Windsor Ruins. You should totally read the article, for no other reason than their use of the term "War of Northern Aggression." I thought that, like every other sightseeing stop in the state, that the Ruins would be surrounded by some fanfare. Nope, nothing. You have to drive down this eensy country highway off the Trace to get to it and there are few signs. You drive down an equally eensy driveway, take a few gravelly turns, and suddenly looming are these haunting columns. There's one sign explaining the Ruins, and a few warning of the columns' instability. That's it. It's very lonely. I just thought it was the coolest thing, and so have many Mississippian artists. Here are a few pictures.
Our final stop before heading home was Rocky Springs, which used to be a town on the Trace with a population of approximately 2600. Unfortunately, the spring dried up, erosion knocked everything down, and the boll weevil killed their crops, so people moved on. The only things remaining as evidence that there was once a bustling town here are a still active church, a cemetery, and a few safes and cisterns randomly thrown all over the place. It's totally cool, and I'd go back there 10 more times just to take pictures. But not alone. The cemetery... well, it's a big fat creepy-fest. Adding to the ick factor is the fact that probably 70% of the graves belong to children, probably a yellow fever thing.
Since you came this far, and to reward you for the extra-long page load, here is a picture of Ace when I want to kiss and hug and cuddle him most:
I wish I could see Ace in person--he always has such a sweet look about him---CUTIE PIE!
How creepy was the Spanish moss in that cemetery? (shiver, shiver) I loved the pics, though-especially the ones of the ruins--they kind of reminded me of the movie Great Expectations.
Good post. Cute baby!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... He's so cute! Just chillin' with his little hat on! Almost makes me want one... ALMOST! Don't get any ideas.
Totally awesome pictures!
I did not just say 'totally awesome'
That kid's got maximum cutage.
Greg and I were talking about the ruins last time we were in Port Gibson. I knew they were there, but had no idea where to find them!
I love the pictures! I like how you wrote "Cheerios make great babysitters". lol!
Glad the trip went well. Thanks for sharing so many pictures. :)
My aunt got married at Rocky Springs church then had her reception at the Port Gibson park. It was the most interesting wedding I've ever attended - it was wicked hot too because that church is O L D.
Kinda cool though because her hubby is good pals with Walt Grayson. My sister and I joked that he would probably film the wedding for them.....guess what? He did!
Long live the Confedera-sah, still under Union occupation after 142 years.
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