(A quote from Christine: "That's what I love about you, Stacey: your great maturity.")
Schmucks that we are, Drew and I totally took pictures. I took one picture of the bathtub with the logs present in the picture; the next night, Drew took close ups of each individual log.
Because it's funny, people. Why else would I take pictures of my kid's poop?
DANG I wanna post those pictures.
I reckon I won't. Here's one of him being fussy today at the Mom's group instead. His shirt says "My mommy is blogging this. :)" Thank you, Auntie Mel!
I can't thank y'all enough for everything you said on my navel gazing post. You've all given me a lot to think about. I'll be asking a lot more questions over the next couple of days, so mommies, be on the lookout.
Ypu'rer always posting blogs that I have sitting, incomplete in my draft box--We are both going through the ringer right now apparently. I get it pretty constantly and it is my biggest pet peeve. I CANNOT stand preachy teachy "My way is the only way" people. I have a special resentment for certain doctors we've seen b/c of their attitudes. It is so hard b/c we haven't vaccinated Landon yet--everywhere I go, I worry if it's the right decision--and everywhere I go everybodt tells me why it's the worst decision. Motherhood is scary enough without people adding in they're crazy two-cents all the time. I try to give info that I've run into, when asked for it--and never pushy advice if I can help it. Every family is differnt, has different lifestyles, different health problems/medical backgrounds, budgets, etc. It has been two years of people getting on my last nerve so I feel your pain :o) One day, I'll post my venting blogs (if I ever finish them!) and you can hear my rants on stupid people ;o)
Is it just me or is the "is" missing? I'm going to kick Cafe Press' ass if it is.
It's not. I just couldn't get him to quit squirming long enough for a good picture of all of the text.
Love his shirt! I've seen ones like that, too. I told myhubby I need one of those, but he's not acting on the HINT! lol
Okay. I just don't want my little man wearing ghetto nerd gear.
Love the shirt!!!!!!
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