Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding.
Public schooling vs. home schooling.
Day care vs. staying at home.
Synagis vs... no Synagis?
(A reminder: Synagis is the shot that Ace got every month, October-March, to help protect him from RSV. RSV is the virus that is most often the reason for re-hospitalizing preemies.)
I'm so over people with more opinion than tact. I'm over these debates. I'm over people telling me what's best for my kid. I'm over people telling ANYONE what's best for their kid.
So y'all know I'm a big fan of the support groups. I'm on a support group for preemie parents. On said support group, a mom asked for help in getting her insurance company to cover Synagis. I offered my support. Another mom, who happens to be the moderator for said group, piped up with her unrequested opinion against Synagis and BASICALLY says that the parents who have chosen to get Synagis for their children have been hypnotized by the influence of the pharmacy industry, and that the threat of RSV just isn't as real as our fear-mongering minds have led us to believe.
Nevermind the FACT that Synagis has been proven to reduce the occurrence and severity of RSV.
Nevermind the FACT that preemies get RSV more often than full term babies.
Nevermind the FACT that we're not talking about the dang black plague here. RSV happens. I actually know three children who have gotten it this year.
Now, I wouldn't tell another preemie mom to get Synagis shots for her child. I don't necessarily think it's the smarter idea - rather, I felt at the time that it was the smartest idea for Ace. Some moms would have to go to hospitals full of sick kids or the pediatrician's office, also full of sick kids, therefore exposing their children to worse things than what they're trying to protect them from. Some moms don't believe in vaccinating their kids for anything. Some moms just downright can't afford it. (At $1600 a pop, neither can I, thank God for insurance.) I would NEVER tell those moms that they're making the wrong choice.
I know I've preached about this before, but I'm right in the middle of it now and I'm feeling heated. WE ALL DO WHAT WE FEEL IS BEST FOR OUR CHILDREN. BOTTOM DAMN LINE.
Granted, I've seen some ads for Synagis, and they're a bit fear mongering and sketchy. I, for one, never saw one before choosing to go with it. I researched the product, looked through some of the clinical trials, and figured it was just another umbrella of protection for Ace.
Perhaps it's time for me to leave that group. They're SUCH a good resource for information, but I've been told that physical therapy has never been proven to help preemies (without physical therapy, I'd have never found out that Ace has CP), that I should never say that Ace is perfect because I'm creating unrealistic expectations for him (no word on whether calling him an angel or sweetie-pie is okay, considering he'll probably want to be a celestial being or a fruit-filled tart when he grows up if I continue) and despite the AAP's and Ace's physical therapist's recommendations, I've been told that walkers are juuuust fine.
7 months ago
You have so much more patience than I would. I'm sure I would have told somebody where to stick their comments by now. It's a SUPPORT group, not a criticize-my-decisions group. Geez. Why do people have to assume every kid/family was made from the same cookie cutter?
You have so much more patience than I would.
Gosh, nobody in my entire life has ever said that to me... Wow!
To be fair, I haven't told her where to stick her opinions, but I have told her the part where we all do what we feel is best for our children and it's not her place to tell us otherwise. HMPH.
fruit-filled tart! bwahahahahahaha!
my pet peeve!
didn't I blog about a similar list of vs. in your blog.
HUGE pet peeve of mine.
Mommy wars are the worst! I'd be much more heated than you. I agree-you seem pretty darn patient!
I'm amazed when I STILL get into debates like this over my 3yo. I planned on homeschooling when we lived in MI, b/c that area's schools were TERRIBLE. Now we're living in OH, and the schools are much better. DARE I CHANGE MY MIND?! Damn right. My kid's needs change, so does my parenting!
You're such a great mother, Stacey. Obviously you've been making the right choices, since Ace is doing so well. If that woman is a moderator, maybe someone else should take her place.
I have to be careful here because I'm sure me and my big mouth have given plenty of unsolicited advice to people who didn't appreciate it but I really really try not to talk about things that I know nothing about NOR do I criticize other people and their decisions for their children. Every child is different and has different needs. Kudos to you for keeping your cool with the know-it-all!
Only a mother knows what is good for her child. It sucks when people are ignorant enough not to be open to differant parenting styles.
Heck letting my kids play on a busy street is not the best option for MY child, but if it is for someone else, that's fine by me!
"Public schooling vs. home schooling."
There are also private schools, charter schools and parochial schools to worry about, in case you didn't have enough to argue over.
Some of these word verifications barely resemble the Phoenician alphabet.
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