Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Self-cleaning ovens stink.

In order to save myself $500, I'm doing the spring cleaning my dang self. Today, I'm gonna knock out the kitchen. The cabinets and drawers are as organized as they can be, for the most part. I cleaned the fridge yesterday.

So today, I'll do the following, and cross them off as they're done:

-Start the self-cleaner on the oven Note to self: open windows
-Clean the microwave Note to self: Don't use abrasive sponges on plastic display windows, idiot. Drew's gonna kill you, or at least mock you mercilessly every time he looks at the jacked up display windows.
-Clean the stovetop... scrub 'er down
-Polish all stainless steel surfaces
-Get random food particles out from between the stove and countertop
-Clean light fixtures
-Dust the tops of cabinets and refrigerator
-Vacuum and mop between refrigerator and dishwasher
-Let cobwebs know whose house this is
-Pray endlessly that Ace lets me do all or some of this stuff

I can do eet!

1 comment:

Melinda said...

Can you come to my place? It REALLY needs cleaning. Pweez?