I saw a message on a forum from one of you that stated that although studies have shown that most women in the porn industry were sexually molested as children, since they choose to be in the porn industry, that doesn't really matter. I'm so disgusted right now I could throw up.
So it's all good, right? Their pain is your gain? Today's molested girl is tomorrow's spank bank?
Children in the Phillippines choose to work for 3 cents a day to make the clothes that line Wal Mart shelves every day, yet we as a nation decry this practice.
Impoverished people choose to work for minimum wage or less every day, yet people constantly cry "exploitation" on them.
Drug-addicted people do anything they can to get a fix, porn and prostitution being among the most salacious. Women who have been sexually assaulted, whether through molestation or rape, often turn to promiscuity as a means of exercising control over their sexuality. Homeless women will do almost anything to get food. These are women in the deepest, darkest pits of their own personal hell, whose arrested development has manifested into a career in porn. But hey, it's a "release" for you, so it's okay.
I have a friend who 20-some years ago got himself through college by writing, acting in, and producing many adult films. He met thousands of actresses, and he estimates that some 90% of them had serious drug or alcohol problems. Whether the career in porn caused the addiction or the addiction caused the career in porn he couldn't tell, but he is ashamed every day of having exploited their weakness.
These women are forced... sorry, "encouraged" to have sex with these men without condoms constantly. Hooray for the spread of disease and unwanted pregnancy!
Next time you watch one of these movies, I want you to think about why the woman is in it. What happened to her to make her choose to get pounded by multiple men every day. Think about her father molesting her. Think about her taking the money from her day's work and going to do a line or to shoot up. Think about her sitting in a homeless shelter with her 3 kids wondering desperately what she can do to feed them until some thick-chain wearing idiot comes to her rescue. THESE are the actresses you get off to. You can delude yourself into thinking that they're all doing it because they love the sex - but it's simply that, delusion.
I'm tired of hearing that all women who don't want their men to watch porn are jealous or overly controlling. Some women respect themselves, and don't like seeing other women exploited. Porn is a blatant exploitation of hurt and hurting women, but nobody considers that because it's hard to take the negative consequences of our actions into account, isn't it? The porn industry is ethically reprehensible.
7 months ago
You go girl!!
As an abuse survivor, I'm going to have something to say on this, but you'll have to read my blog.
You don't know me and we have never met, but you will never know what an impact and blessing this post was for me.
I discovered your blog via someone else's and had looked at it a couple of times before. For some reason, a "little voice" told me to look at it again today. After reading this I knew instantly that voice was God, reminding me not to fall back into the stupid, self-destructive trap I was about to fall back into & let myself be used.
Thank you for using your voice for good and reminding those of us out there who have been thru the hell of abuse & subjected ourselves to being used that we ARE worth more and DO deserve better.
And thank you for being brave enough to remind people who do watch it that there is a REAL, HURTING woman behind the mask of "enjoyment" she may put on for the camera.
Thank you for being the blessing that you are to others out there you don't even realize you are helping!
Gosh, so that made me cry. I'm incredibly humbled. I wrote this post because I was ticked off at a guy on a forum, and I'm so happy that God used me to touch someone. Women are worth so much more than being used on camera to satisfy the salacious desires of porn users. God bless you.
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