1. Sour Death Balls. It's candy, y'all, nothing dirty. Just this video cracked me up. Watch it.
2. This is not directed to anyone in particular, just people who have sent these to me. I don't mind forwards in general, but please, please do not send me forwards for the sole purpose of scaring me. You know the ones I'm talking about - look at this picture, what a nice picture, then blammo! It's a scary demon jumping out and screaming at me. I really hate them, and not in the I hate them and laugh in a few minutes sense, more in the I hate them, start crying and have to go into another room to calm down then I want to send you a mean e-mail sense. Again, I've gotten at least 4 of these in the past 2 weeks, and thankfully I know what they are before I open them, but DON'T SEND THEM TO ME ANYMORE. Thanks.
7 months ago
1 comment:
1. Wow that video made my mouth water. Ouch! I can feel how sour it was just from the video. @. Im sorry if i was one of the people who sent you the video. I had one sent to me named "peeping tom" and it scared the s*** out of me. I also try not to open them! Sorry again....
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