I met new parents in the NICU tonight. Their baby is a 24-weeker and his kidneys aren't working very well. Please pray for J and O, and their baby L.
And now, presenting, my baby's naked... FACE!
That's right, no oxygen cannula. I can't tell y'all how amazing it was to see him without anything on his face... he's always had something taped on it. Now he's mostly wireless. He's still on the monitors, but those are unplugged when he's eating. Wow. (By the way, don't miss the bath and subsequent massage series on Drew's flickr account. It's on pages 3 and 4. I think he liked it.)
I'll have better news later this week but I'm too afraid to jinx myself. Like that didn't give it away.
5 months ago
He looks so different without the cannula.
Congratulations on the HUGE step. I bet you can't wait to get him home with you. You have been a rock of strength through all of this.
Thank you for calling me the other day, I know I sounded weird on the phone but it was just what I needed. However I am mad at you for one of your flickr pictures, where you obviously are teasing me with some edible baby feet. Not fair that you are within chewing distance. I cannot wait to come to the US and smell him.
That is awesome!! He's beautiful!
Look at that sweet face!
You know, referring to Spiehler of Borg as "wireless" just makes me think of him getting plugged in or regenerating at night. He is adorable, but you can hardly tell he's mine! hehe Just pickin', Drew.
I am gonna eat him. Eat him. Can he get any more cute?
sweet puppy kitten face!
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