6 months ago
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Stacey's in the hospital
Hi everyone, this is Stacey's husband Drew. She wanted me to post this. Yesterday her water broke and she had to be admitted to the maternity ward. She's doing fine now. Baby is still where it should be and doing well. She didn't have any contractions or dilation, just the water breakage. They gave her some antibiotics and a steroid shot that's supposed to help the baby's lungs develop faster within the next 48 hours. After that, she's going to be bedridden in the hospital until the baby is born. The doctor is hoping to keep her in for at least 4-6 weeks, longer if possible, but will have to deliver if something like an infection forces her hand. She wanted everyone to know she's in high spirits and will try to get an internet connection if it's possible.
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Drew, I will keep Stacey in my prayers as always. I've been praying for your family since I found out. Please keep us posted, and tell Stacey that we'll say a special prayer for her right now.
Saint Gerard, patron of pregnant mothers, pray for us!
Lit a candle for ya on the way home yesterday...
Of course, I think it might have worked better if the candle was in a church instead of my car.
I will pray for you both and the baby! But i must say that i had a friend just go through this and they will deliver the baby within the month. Usually about 2-4 weeks, just long enough for the lungs to develop. So get ready the baby is coming. I will pray for everyone. I know God has his hand over you guys and everything will be fine. So an early Congratulations from me in Indiana.
I'll pray in Hebrew. That always works. If there's a way to put in a call to you guys at the hospital, let me know. E-mail the number to me or the room number or something so I can get in touch.
Our twin girls came at 29 weeks, and we were scared stiff. They were absolutely tiny, 2.5 and 3 lbs, and we had them baptised soon after. Luckily we went to a catholic hospital, and they have a priest on staff. After a couple weeks, one of the girls was ready and willing to nurse, the other tried, but was having mysterious stomach trouble, which persisted for the next few months.
After blood transfusions, our troubled one got better, and was on a special formula for a couple months, while her sister kept nursing. My wife, in the meantime, went dairy-free in hope that it would help the straggler get into nursing, and we were successful. Three years later, the girls are healthy, strong, and still clamoring for 'suckawee'.
There's nothing like trouble to inspire prayer, and I did a load of it in that NICU.
Many prayers for your family, from one who's been there,
oh my gosh.
please keep me posted via email, i will be thinking of you and making invocations for your baby.
Thank you for the update.
I linked to you from Dictator Princess. I had my eldest daughter at 29 weeks. At 26 weeks I had placental abruption. I began to hemmorage. I was given 2 pints of blood the night I went to the hospital. They gave me steroid shots to help the lungs that night and twice a week after that. I spent 3 weeks there (in bed) and at 29 weeks I had to have an emergency c-section. I gave birth to beautiful baby Girl at 2lbs 6oz 14 1/2 inches long. She stayed 6 weeks in the hospital and was fed through her nose. I tried to nurse but she wouldn't latch on, So I pumped. I took her home 6 weeks later at 4lbs. She drank from a bottle. (She had no problems breathing when she was born just had to keep up the temperature, thanks to the steroid shot.) Eight years later she sits here asking me if I will hurry up and get her some ice cream.
I will keep you, Stacey in my thoughts and if at any point (I know you do not know me) you need to talk to someone I am here and can be reached via my blog or email. www.pagesofimagination.blogspot.com
Stacey & the baby are in my prayers too...
(arrived here via DPrincess)
I had my boys at 30 and 32 weeks. Then were 2 lb 1 oz and 2 lb 13 oz. They both weighed less then 4 lbs when they came home from the hospital. You would never guess my 5 year old was early or so small, it did take him some time to catch up. My youngest is still small for his age but he is doing well.
Both times I was able to get the steriod shots a few days before having them. I had 2 shots 24 hours apart. Usually you just need 24 hours from the 2nd of the 2 shots to give the shots time to work. My oldest was on a vent for less then 12 hours, but that probably had more to do with the general anethsia that was used for my emergency c-section. My youngest was able to breathe on his own. Having a baby is really difficult and can really take a lot out of you. I would suggest talking about it with someone to help you deal with things. Don't try and put on a brave face for others, for me it just used up energy I could have used for other things. Accept any support and offer for help that you can, you will need it. A lot of hospitals will have information about support groups, you may want to ask about that. It really helps to talk to people who have been in a similar situation. They can just understand things better then others.
I also just wanted to let you know that you are more then welcome to email me.
My email is surviving[at]gmail[dot]com
Dear Drew and Stacey,
this is my first time reading your blog... I hope you get well soon and that God will guard baby and family.
Please take care of yourself and know that there are many people out there keeping you in their thoughts and prayers.
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