Saturday, August 13, 2005


I have gotten word that as long as one of us flies with them, our goddaughters would be able to fly here and stay with us for a little while.

Now I have to save up for 2 round-trip tickets, a ton of cheerios and cherry lollipops, a week's worth of Xanax for their mother (believe me, people, I saw her when she was leaving them for a week to go to Jamaica), and a ton of padding for my whole house. My babies are a veritable tornado, I tell you.

Of course, this probably wouldn't happen for a while, but ohboyohboyohboy is it exciting to think about.

Now, for your moment of cute:

I love these children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Girl, I have to get you some recent pictures. I will e-mail some to you.

Love you and miss you!!