Scene: Last night, about 12:30, Drew had been asleep for about an hour, I was just snuggling in. He wakes up... or so I think.
Drew: I hope I get those 6 spotlights.
Me: For what, honey?
Drew: For um, uh... the audience.
Last week, similar scene.
Drew: Did you find him?
Me: Who?
Drew: Mr. Squareface.
Me: Who??
Drew: Mr. Squareface!
Me: Who is Mr. Squareface, honey?
Drew: lifts up blanket, looks down, and smiles.
Scene: Today, Drew is completely awake and lucid. I call him after seeing something interesting, as we are often wont to do with one another.
Me: File this under the now-I've-seen-everything category. I just saw a license plate that says "Styx Rox."
Drew: Spell it?
Me: S-T-Y-X-R-O-X.
Drew: pause. Well, ya know, they do.
He's so much fun.
7 months ago
I think a book should be written about what is said when people are half awake. In my childhood I apparently went to my mother's bedside and ordered a happy meal with extra pickles.
this is why sleeping together before marriage is so important. why spend your life with someone who is boring and simply snore-y 8 hours of every day?
nice husband will probably shoot me for saying this but he can come out with some crazy stuff while he is sleeping. once he sounded like he was giving a pitch at work and started talking about profit, "managing expectations" user friendliness and several other random work terms, then rounded it out with a big "ON S'EN FOUT!!!!!" and flipped over.
half the time I don't understand because it takes me thirty seconds to figure out what language, and by then he has ceased to spout wisdom.
do you ever wake drew up because you are laughing hysterically at his sleep talk?
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