Sunday, April 05, 2009

loving it.

I am totally loving a new blog I've found. The title makes it pretty self explanatory, and there's a bit of language, but despite the schtick-y nature of the blog, it's still hilarious. You know, in the "I'm so frustrated that I've turned this into a positive" way, not that these people are such tools.

People Who Sit In The Disability Seats When I'm Standing On My Crutches


JesusThroughMary said...

Speaking of R-rated YouTube humor...

Sandi said...

That's hilarious. Wonder if there's a similar blog for jerks who park in the handicap spots illegally?

fwapah said...

NYC has an interesting code of conduct when it comes to offering seats.. Most of my neighbors will join me in offering a seat in a heartbeat to a pregnant woman, elderly person (with a cane, preferably) or someone else who looks like they've had a hard day and can't stand for much longer.. but someone with crutches, I'm not sure I'd think to get up. Disability seat or no. If he asked, of course, but it wouldn't occur to me to stand for him. I'm just sayin.

As for the people glancing away, that's just the lifestyle. No eye contact. Too human.

Unknown said...

that was my LIFE last year! I love it!!!!!!