So I slept for probably 6 hours last night with minimal interruption. I didn't take anything to help me sleep at all. Neither of those things have happened to me for the past 5-ish weeks.
SO WHY AM I SO TIRED THIS MORNING? How is it that I could sleep 2 hours with nothing and 5 with Ambien and jump up and be ready in the morning, but I sleep 6 solid hours with nothing and I'm dang exhausted?
Ain't fair, I tell ya. Ain't fair. My stepdad's coming to take care of Ace while I'm in treatment today, so I was gonna make a pot of coffee for him, but I might have to weeze some of that juice.
In other news, my stepdad had to take the day off today, and leave his house at 7 to be here for 8:30. He's officially awesome for helping me.
7 months ago
Your stepdad is awesome indeed. And I have no clue about the sleeping thing. The more I sleep, the more tired I'm in the morning. It's a mystery.
What a wonderful man!
It's the first time your body has actually slept by itself in a while, and it's now hitting you how tired it is after all of this.
It's either that or those two polar bears causing you more trouble.
It's probably your chemicals--they're out of whack and so you never know how you're gonna feel or how much sleep you're gonna need.
I think it's great that you're taking care of yourself like this and that your family is enabling you to do so. . . Go Stacy!
Family is there when you have no one else. Family loves you no matter what. WE DO TOO!! ;)
The sleep thing, girl I wish I knew, I am having irratic sleeping patterns too. Exhaustion is not the word! I can't take sleep aids, they react the opposite and I am bouncing off the walls. It sucks.
good luck with your treatment!
You probably need a good 6-8 hrs for a while to start feeling rested and Ok. I dunno, that's just my thought on the matter.
And yah..stepdad is officially awesome!
weeze the juice . . . AAAHHHHH!!!!!
Ok, here are your basic food groups. Fruit group, Dairy group. (DING!) MEAT Group!
Oh, hey! No, you gotta share . . . see, half for you, half for me. Mmmm . . . aahgck-puh! Figures, Hot on the outside, icy in the middle
2 1/2 minute.
so glad you got some sleep!!!
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